구글 계정 복구 How to Recover a Closed Google Account – Ticket Net

구글 계정 복구Like many Internet users, you are probably familiar with how to secure your Google Account to prevent unauthorized access to it. But what happens if someone unwanted gains access to your account and changes your password? What if you forgot your password or email address?
Recovering your account and all related data, emails and personal information may seem like a difficult process, but don’t worry if you know where to start. If your Google Account has been closed, here are the steps to take to recover your Google Account:
If you have forgotten your password or are unable to access your Gmail account due to a possible breach, you should go to: Google account recovery page.
This is an official process set up by Google. You’ll be asked to answer a few questions with personal information so that Google can verify your identity. If successful, Google may return you to your account after the verification process is complete.

Source: Android Central
Source: Android Central
Source: Android Central
Source: Android Central
If you don’t remember the name, email address, or phone number associated with your account, you’ll need to do some spying.
Or, if you don’t know your old or recent password, Google will ask you a few questions to verify your identity. This may include previous devices you logged in from, previous security questions, account creation date, etc.
If you are having trouble logging into your account for this reason, you may no longer be able to access your account without these details. If this happens, you may need a quick reminder about: How to set up a new Google Account.
You can follow these steps to recover your Google Account if your account has been locked out and get back all your important data, emails, and information that came with your account.
You can follow these steps to recover your Google account in case of lockout and get back all your important data, emails and information that came with your account.
I hope you found this article helpful. How to recover your Gmail account after forgetting your password. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. Also, if you found the article helpful, please share it with your friends.

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