개발행위 허가 심의대상The purpose of development activities is to prevent indiscriminate development in areas that have not yet been developed, and to create a safe and comfortable environment by encouraging planned development. For more information on development activities, please refer to the link below. Development activities Permission: How to increase the value of land (tistory.com)
Development Permit: How to increase the value of land
The law related to permission for development activities is the
There are several procedures for obtaining permission for such activities.
Among these, if it exceeds a certain size, it must undergo urban planning deliberation related to development permits.
1. In case the scale exceeds the size of the development permit
If the size exceeds the above-mentioned development permit, urban planning review is required.
2. In the case of a green area, management area, agricultural and forestry area, or natural environment conservation area that is less than the size 1. Natural green area/production green area: less than 10,000 square meters Conservation green space: less than 5,000 square meters 2. Management area: less than 30,000 square meters
3. Agricultural and forestry area: less than 30,000 square meters 4. Natural environment conservation area: less than 5,000 square meters
go. If the land in question is located in a natural village zone, development promotion zone, infrastructure burden zone, semi-business complex, or factory location guidance zone. B. If infrastructure is already installed or is located in an area notified in the installation notice. If the building to be built or the structure to be installed on the relevant land falls within the scope of use, scale, number of floors, or number of houses, etc., as prescribed by ordinance.
This may be a bit difficult to understand, but in conclusion, development activities carried out in the above local districts must undergo urban planning review regardless of the scale.
3. Excavation of soil and rock with a volume of 30,000 cubic meters or more
The following items do not need to undergo deliberation.
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