셀룰라이트 없애는 법 ‘Bumpy’ orange peel-like cellulite… how do i get rid of it? | Segye Ilbo

셀룰라이트 없애는 법As June approaches the end of the month, clear summer weather often appears with the highest daytime temperature approaching 30 degrees every day. As the weather gets hotter, men and women wearing short shorts are easily noticed on the streets.

However, the bumpy skin on the back of the thigh, like an orange peel, doesn’t look pretty. This is because of ‘cellulite’. Even if you go on a diet, cellulite does not easily disappear, which upsets women who want to expose their beautiful legs in summer.

According to Comedi.com, cellulite is a type of skin lesion that appears when fat changes, and it mainly occurs on women’s thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

It occurs more often in women than in men because it is influenced by female hormones. Cellulite is more likely to appear in obese people, but it’s not necessarily the case. Cellulite is also commonly found in slim women.

In particular, no matter how hard you diet, it is a lesion caused by tissue damage, so it remains like a scar and hurts women.

The causes of cellulite include ▲lack of exercise ▲irregular life ▲obesity ▲stress ▲excessive drinking ▲smoking. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to avoid these causative factors while improving your metabolism to burn fat and discharge waste products.

Along with this, a balanced diet, massage, and strength training can activate the metabolism to remove cellulite and make it possible to maintain a balanced body. Avoid high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets and fill your diet with fiber-rich foods. In particular, the fat contained in fish is effective in removing toxins accumulated in the body, so you should eat a lot of fish instead of meat.

It is also good to massage the cellulite-prone areas using your hands or tools. Lower body strength exercises such as squats and lunges are effective in removing cellulite and developing an elastic body. Exercise 2-3 times a week for about 30 minutes at a time.

Lee Seung-gu Online News Reporter lee_owl@segye.com

Faster than the ground! Meet Segye Ilbo
Title: Segye Ilbo 17 Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Registration number: Seoul, A03959 | Date of registration (date of issue): November 2, 2015 Publisher: Hee-taek Jeong l Editor: Jung-mi Hwang Youth Protection Manager: Gwang-jae Park 02-2000-1234

셀룰라이트 없애는 법

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