카카오톡 친구삭제 Summary of how to delete kakaotalk friends (how to delete them completely)

카카오톡 친구삭제How to delete a KakaoTalk friend and how to recover a deleted friend are also provided, so if you need it, please use this KakaoTalk friend deletion method.

How to completely delete KakaoTalk friends

I think everyone knows how to block KakaoTalk friends. However, few people know how to completely delete or restore friends. Check out this article, you can do it very simply.

Blocking KakaoTalk friends is simple. There are slight differences depending on the mobile phone model, but if you push or hold down the person you want to block, a window called Block and Hide will appear.

Here, blocking means that the other person cannot contact you at all, and hiding is a function that allows you to contact you but does not appear in your friends list. Couples often abuse this feature.

If you want to completely delete a blocked person as a KakaoTalk friend, you can enter the friend management window in the settings window. Select Manage Blocked Friends here.

You can see the people you have blocked here. And next to that is management.

If you select Manage, there is a button called Unblock. But I don’t see a button on how to delete a KakaoTalk friend anywhere. Funnily enough, you can delete a friend by selecting the Unblock button.

When unblocking, a guide window will appear. It asks if you want to add as a friend again now. If you select cancel here, it will be a way to delete a KakaoTalk friend, and if you add a friend, you can restore a blocked friend. It’s not difficult, so please try it once.

Summary of how to recover and back up KakaoTalk conversations
And the method of recovering friends using the KakaoTalk friend deletion method is also very simple. If you delete it without deleting it from your mobile phone address book, it will be re-registered soon anyway. So, as long as you know your cell phone number, you can recover deleted KakaoTalk friends. If you want to delete it completely, you need to delete the number from your address book as well.

Lastly, when it comes to hidden friends, there’s not much you can set. The purpose is to hide it literally. But if it’s not a cheating situation, I wonder if there’s a need to hide it. We introduced how to delete and restore KakaoTalk friends. We will come back with better information next time. thank you
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