천수애진 가격, 효과 총정리 Chun Soo-aejin price, summary of effects

Check the price carefully before purchasing it.
천수애진 가격

Unlike before, these days, not only women but also men are paying a lot of attention to skin care. In particular, as the environment changes, we need to pay more attention to skin care, and in this regard, low-molecular-weight collagen is the most necessary nutrient for modern people. There are so many collagen products on the market, but it’s important to buy a product you can trust as you need to consume it consistently. If you have skin concerns, please refer to the information below.

천수애진 가격

Last time, I introduced Yoon Se-ah Cosmetics Cheon Soo-yun-jin.

Cheon Suyunjin Price, how much should I do?

The product to be introduced this time is Chun Soo Ae Jin, a cosmetic product famous for Yoon Se Ah Collagen.



Cheon Soo Ae Jin Cosmetics Characteristics
Sooae Cheon Before the price, let’s take a look at the product’s features. Chun Soo Ae is Korea’s first double-complex functional collagen product certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. It is composed of fine particles with a thickness of 1/125,000 of a single strand of hair. The main raw material of Cheon Soo Ae Jin is hyaluronic acid, and the auxiliary raw material consists of 14 mixed extracts. First of all, it can be said that hyaluronic acid is generally a safe raw material with few side effects. It promotes healthier, more supple skin, helps keep bones lubricated, relieves joint pain, heals wounds properly, relieves acid reflux symptoms, treats dry eye, prevents osteoporosis and bladder pain.


Cheon Soo Ae Jin appearance introduction
It comes in a small sized bottle. There are 30 ampoules in one box. So it’s quite comfortable to take care of your skin while drinking one bottle a day for a month. This small bottle, which is a skin health functional food, can be taken one bottle a day, so if you put it in a place where you can see it, you can eat it without forgetting it. Or you can throw it in your bag and take it to work or school. Older people say they use it a lot for skin care.


Is all the collagen you eat good for your skin?
You probably know that collagen is good for your skin. However, it is said that collagen particles such as chicken feet or pig feet are thick, so they are actually not that good for the skin. It is said that in order to be absorbed by the skin, collagen with a small particle structure must be ingested. It is said that as a result of human experimentation with low-molecular-weight collagen peptide, which is a functional raw material, rather than collagen that is used in general food, the effect of skin improvement was confirmed in 11 cases. You will be familiar with the health functional food you eat in general, such as CheongKwanJang. This product is a highly absorbable, drinking collagen form, in bottled form.


Effects of Cheon Soo Ae Jin Cosmetics

Cheon Soo Ae Jin is a product that helps skin health by visually evaluating and improving wrinkles around the eyes, improving skin elasticity, improving skin moisturization, improving overall skin elasticity, improving wrinkle depth, improving skin roughness, and improving average roughness.


Cheon Soo Ae Jin is a product that densely fills not only the visible skin surface but also the deep end of the skin. Most of those who recognize the price of Cheon Soo Ae Jin can expect the skin improvement effect to the extent of repurchasing.


Cosmetics recognized overseas
Cheon Soo-ae-jin was well-known in the overseas media as being introduced in the LA Times in 2018. That’s why there are many people who buy after finding out the price of Cheon Soo Ae Jin. At the time, the article introduced the low-molecular-weight collagen peptide, the main ingredient of Cheon Soo Ae Jin, and paid attention to the product’s functionality.


Cheon Soo Ae Jin Price

Low-molecular-weight collagen products are not publicly priced on the website. Even if you look everywhere, it is difficult to find the price of Cheon Soo Ae Jin. As a way to find out, you need to consult or inquire on the Internet. This is because the benefits are different for each store, so price differences may occur.

I checked the price of Suaejin Cheon, and it was generally set at around 300,000 won for 30 pieces. Usually, 300,000 won is the regular price, and since each store has different benefits, you can buy it cheaper if you carefully research it. When you first hear it, you may feel that it is a bit expensive, but when you consider the cost-effectiveness compared to the effect on the skin, you can say that it is a good product.


how to purchase
These days, you can conveniently purchase all cosmetics, even duty-free products, through Internet purchases. However, this product is purchased based on consultation on the homepage. Feel free to call us and ask for price advice and purchase information.


Before Purchasing Soo-Ae Cheon
It is necessary to check the side effects before purchasing any health functional food. No matter how safe you think it is, each person may have a different reaction, so be sure to consult with an expert before taking it safely.


It will be helpful for those who want to regain confidence due to beautiful skin and want moist skin not only on the outside but also on the inside. You can also do UV care at the same time. Lastly, for those of you who want younger skin and are thinking about buying cosmetics that you apply on, you might want to pay attention to Cellonia cosmetics.