카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 Kakao Taxi customer center phone number How to find a lost item?

Kakao Taxi customer center phone number How to find a lost item? Unfortunately, there is no customer center phone number that can be directly connected to Kakao Taxi. You need to call the Kakao Customer Center.


If you lose your belongings while riding a taxi, you are in for a frenzy. At the end of the year or when there is a gathering, I drink alcohol. Whenever I drink, I often leave something behind. Even an umbrella lost on a rainy day is huge.

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법

Smartphones are a necessity of life. Mobile phones contain most of our personal information. Once lost, your personal information will be exposed. 카카오택시 분실물 찾는법


Kakao Taxi customer center phone number


Whether you use phone locator or Google locator, it’s best to find it quickly. If you find something lost while using Kakao Taxi, you must call the customer center.


Customer service phone number


However, you have to call the Kakao customer service center. There is no separate Kakao Taxi customer center phone number. In addition, there is also a method of querying the boarding record. Check the boarding record in the Kakao Taxi app.


Your boarding location and information will remain for one year. Even if the record remains, you only have three days to call the driver. It is the fastest way because you can call the license plate number and the driver within 3 days. If you have an item in storage, you can find it right away.


Kakao Taxi Boarding Record Check


However, if the call is canceled or stopped due to a report, it will be excluded from the usage record. Only those who have lost things know the frustration. Especially when it comes to things you value. Kakao Taxi must use the Kakao Customer Center phone number.


< Good article to read together >

– Guide to using Kakao T parking service

– How to use the Kakao Taxi app

– How to use Kakao chauffeur service

– How to use the Taxi Lost and Found Center and Public Transportation Lost and Found Center

– Let’s get to know the world’s largest taxi corbus.


Kakao Taxi customer center phone number How to find a lost item?


If you can’t get in touch with the driver, this is the quickest way to solve it. Connecting to the customer service center is harder than you think. Wouldn’t the surest way be to contact the driver within 3 days? We looked at the Kakao Taxi customer center phone number and how to find lost items.