LGG 유산균 효능 및 가격, 추천 총정리 LGG lactobacillus efficacy and price, summary of recommendations

Recommendation and efficacy of LGG lactobacillus
LGG 유산균 효능

These days, I have been posting articles related to digestive disorders, but it seems that it naturally leads to content about ingredients such as lactic acid bacteria/probiotics.

LGG 유산균 효능

Because there are so many types of probiotics and lactic acid bacteria. I thought that there would be many people who are confused about what will help me and what products to buy.


So, in this article, I would like to explain in detail the concept of lactic acid bacteria/probiotics and what LGG lactic acid bacteria are.


LGG lactobacillus recommendation
LGG lactobacillus recommendation
probiotics? Lactobacillus?
I think the information that people suffering from digestive disorders will inevitably come across while trying to find out about probiotics/lactic acid bacteria. If you ask your acquaintances, someone tells you to eat ‘probiotics’, and someone else tells you to eat ‘lactic acid bacteria’.


And this is where things start to get a little confusing. Some people ask, “Are probiotics and lactic acid bacteria the same thing?” In fact, it is half right and half wrong. Probiotics are more of a concept than a product category.


To define probiotics, it is a term that refers to ‘live microorganisms that help support intestinal health’. In other words, lactic acid bacteria can also be seen as belonging to the concept of probiotics.


Therefore, there are hundreds of microorganisms that belong to probiotics alone. Lactobacillus is one of the numerous microorganisms, and Lactobacillus is called ‘Lactobacillus’ in English.


So, even if you only search for ‘Lactobacillus’ in the search box, you will be able to see how many types of lactic acid bacteria appear as related search words after that. To name just a few of them, Rhamnosus, Cazei, Plantanum, Acidophilus, etc… It’s starting to get complicated.



LGG lactobacillus recommendation
LGG lactobacillus recommendation
LGG lactobacillus recommendation
LGG lactobacillus efficacy
LGG Lactobacillus
The ‘LGG lactobacillus’ you searched for is also one of the lactobacillus examples mentioned above. That’s what we call ‘Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG’. In English, it has the name Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.


Then, what is the difference between LGG lactobacillus and general lactobacillus? I understand the complicated mind because there are so many things to consider when purchasing lactobacillus, but I would like to explain in a little more detail because I think it is information that will last a lifetime once you know it. (If it feels too complicated, you can skip it)



LGG Lactobacillus and Lactobacillus
I know that LGG lactobacillus is a lactobacillus called Lactobacillus rhamnosus, but what is the ‘GG’ attached to the back? To put it simply, it corresponds to a kind of ‘improved lactic acid bacteria’ developed based on Lactobacillus rhamnosus in the United States. GG is named after the doctors who conducted the research.


L = Lactobacillus rhamnosus

G = Dr. Gorbach

G = Dr. Goldin


To sum it up: When Americans discover or invent something, they love to put their name on it or put their initials on it.


LGG lactobacillus was developed by Dr. GG in 1985 and is a type of lactobacillus that has been studied the most in the world to this day. Then, shall we find out the clear difference between LGG lactobacillus and general lactobacillus?


LGG lactobacillus recommendation
LGG lactobacillus recommendation
What is the difference between LGG lactobacillus and general lactobacillus?
In the case of general lactic acid bacteria, when we ingest them through food, more than 90% of them die in the stomach before reaching the intestines. The stomach acid of the human body is strong enough to melt iron, and it will not be easy for all the lactic acid bacteria to survive and pass through it.


However, the reason why LGG lactobacillus is in the limelight is that it has largely solved the problem of lactobacillus death by the human body system. Let’s take a look at how a large number of LGG lactobacilli reach the intestines without being killed.


First of all, LGG lactic acid bacteria have significantly improved resistance to gastric acid due to research and development by GG doctors. In addition, LGG lactic acid bacteria have hairs called cilia, so they were naturally resistant to acid.


Due to this, LGG lactic acid bacteria are also effective for those who have ‘irritable bowel syndrome’. This effect is, in a way, a natural result. This is because, basically, in order for lactic acid bacteria to play their role as a health functional food, it is first to reach the intestines without dying.


No matter how good the lactic acid bacteria are, it is important that they reach the intestines alive and not die in order to have a meaningful effect on the intestinal ecological environment called ‘microbiome’.




What are the types of LGG lactobacillus?
There are two products called ‘Culturel Digestive Health’ and ‘Denps Danish Lactobacillus Story’ that are called the two major mountain ranges of LGG lactobacillus in Korea. Perhaps these two products are the most exposed when you search for LGG lactobacillus.


In my opinion, the company that distributes Denps Denmark Lactobacillus in Korea is promoting more actively, so it seems that Denps products will often catch the eye. (Mr. Gong Yoo is working as an exclusive model)


Then, what is the difference between Denps Lactobacillus and Culturel Lactobacillus? I know that both are LGG lactobacillus, but it would be the buyer’s wish to buy a slightly better product.


LGG lactobacillus efficacy
LGG lactobacillus efficacy
Culturel Lactobacillus / Denps Denmark Lactobacillus
The two products that account for the largest share in the domestic LGG lactobacillus market are products made by companies called VITA Quest and Denps, respectively. But what is the difference between the two? If so, I really don’t know.


The reason I’m giving you this answer is that both are made from lactobacillus raw materials manufactured by the same company. Both products are manufactured with raw materials from a global lactobacillus company with a history of nearly 150 years called ‘Christian Hansen’.


It is not known exactly how the two companies receive raw materials from Christian Hansen and prepare them through any process, but basically, the purpose of consuming LGG lactobacilli is to allow live LGG lactobacilli to reach the intestines without dying.


However, that purpose seems to have already been achieved in the process of manufacturing raw materials. So, I think you should choose whichever you like more, and both products have great ratings and reviews, so either one is a wise choice.


I’ve been eating probiotics and culturerel products for a long time, so I’m eating what I used to eat. Anyway, I hope my article helped you a little bit, and I will end here.