휴대폰 요금 미납 및 정지 ,해제조건, 납부방법 Non-payment and suspension of mobile phone bills, cancellation conditions, payment methods

Prevention of suspension by partial payment when mobile phone bills are not paid
휴대폰 요금 미납

As you live, you may make a mistake or fail to pay your phone bill due to circumstances. It is difficult for each carrier to pay the full bill when the bill is unpaid and is in danger of being suspended, but if you can pay the partial bill, you can prevent the suspension. Each telecommunications company does not stop the service in this case and avoids the suspension by paying in installments. Standards may be slightly different. So let’s see what to do.

휴대폰 요금 미납

First, I call 114 of the telecommunication company (SK, KT, LG) with my cell phone. I need to contact a counselor. Please connect the counselor through the call guide.


Then, tell the counselor, Because of the current situation, I don’t think I will be able to pay the full bill this month, so I want to pay in installments. I’m trying to make sure I don’t get stopped by how much I pay. I’m in the middle of paying the bill, but I can pay in part.

If you do, the agent will tell you the amount and ask how you want to pay. For example, if the charge is 100,000 won and the amount I can pay is 60,000 won, I have to pay 60,000 won, or if I have to pay 50% of the unpaid amount according to the regulations of the telecommunications company, I have to pay at least 50,000 won. . 60% is 60%. Deposit, transfer, card, etc. Usually, when you come to this situation, there will be many cases where you pay through someone else’s card or transfer, so you need to check carefully before making the payment.

If you paid this way, you will avoid the suspension this month. Telecommunication companies also give priority to payment of charges, so they try to receive even a portion of it, and if the amount exceeds a certain amount, they give us convenience.

However, if there is a long-term non-payment or arrears, my credit rating declines, and if I make a mistake, the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company or the Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company or the non-payment will make my cell phone unable to open or use it.