화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

2023 freight forwarder license test questions and reissuance method | Past questions | Take Online Training | Acquisition method (+ written test) | Learn more about how to enroll in continuing education.

The cargo transportation license is a license introduced to foster experts in freight transportation, transportation service improvement, and safe operation.

If you are a truck driver and a person who drives an individual or general cargo vehicle, you must take the cargo transport worker test and obtain the qualification.

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2023 freight forwarder license exam questions past questions

2023 Cargo Transportation Worker Certification Examination
First, let’s look at the 2023 freight forwarder certification exam questions and past questions.

There are a total of 4 exam subjects. Traffic and cargo-related laws and regulations, cargo handling tips, safe driving tips, and transportation services. Traffic and cargo-related laws and regulations and safe driving tips are presented with 25 questions each. The remaining two subjects are 15 questions each.

To pass, a score of 60 or higher out of 100 is required. In other words, you have to get 48 out of 80 questions right to get a license.

You can easily check the past questions on the freight forwarder license through the app or YouTube video. This is information that comes up right away when you do a search.

👇 If you want to know about the 2023 freight forwarder certification exam questions?

Find out the 2023 freight forwarder certification
How to reissue a cargo transport worker license in 2023

2023 Cargo Transportation Worker Certification Examination
We will also look at how to issue a cargo transport worker license in 2023. Before issuing a cargo transport worker license, you must pass through a total of three stages.

First, a driving test, followed by a qualification test and an 8-hour education for successful candidates can be issued.

Certificate issuance is possible through the TS National Qualification Test website. The license issuance fee is KRW 10,000.

For reissuance, there are online applications and visits to regional headquarters. If you visit the regional headquarters or inspection center and apply for reissuance, you just need to bring your driver’s license.

Along with this, submit one copy of the application for reissuance, one copy of the half-business card with your photo, and a fee of 10,000 won.

👇 If you want to know how to reissue a cargo transport worker’s license in 2023?

Find out about the 2023 freight forwarder certification
Take the 2023 cargo transportation worker certification online training
Online training is provided for those who have passed the written test for freight forwarder qualification.

Online training is a way of directly watching videos on the Internet, and you must complete the training to complete the entire process for issuing a license.

[Education Site] → [My Classroom] → [Learning Status] → [Study Course] → [Online Education for Successful Qualification Test for Cargo Transportation] You can take the course by clicking on the learning window.

If you are curious about how to take the forklift special safety training online and issue a certificate of completion, you can find out together through the link.

👇If you want to know how to take a 2023 cargo transport worker certification online education?

Click to find out the 2023 freight forwarder license
How to obtain a cargo transport worker license in 2023 (+ written test)
2023 Cargo Transportation Worker Certification Examination
I will explain in more detail about the written test, which is one of the ways to obtain the cargo transportation worker license mentioned above.

The written exam lasts for a total of 80 minutes and is administered via computer. Please note that the CBT evaluation is conducted.

If you are curious about the benefits of automobiles according to the disability level benefits along with the cargo transportation worker qualification test, you can also find out.

👇 If you want to know how to get a cargo transport worker license in 2023 (+ written test)?

All about the 2023 freight forwarder license
How to take the 2023 Cargo Transport Worker Certification Continuing Training
We will also look at how to enroll in continuing education. You can complete the training through the online education center for transportation workers.

[Transportation Training Institute by each city and province] Access the homepage → Click [2023 Transportation Employee Online Refresher Training Center] → [Select Region] → [Select Online Refresher Training] → [Enter Name and Social Security Number] → [Personal Information Verification] and attend training You can do

A training certificate is issued after completion of the course. You can also find out the 2023 computerized tax accounting qualification test schedule (+1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade).

👇 If you want to know how to take the 2023 Cargo Transportation Certification Conservation Training?

You can check the 2023 freight forwarder license here!
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If you are curious about the questions about the professional certification exam questions?

You can check the past questions of the professional certification exam through the main text!!

If you’re curious about how to take the 2023 cargo transportation worker certification online training?

How to take a 2023 cargo transport worker certification online education is available through the text!!

If you want to know how to take the 2023 freight forwarder certification refresher training?

You can find out how to take the 2023 Cargo Transport Worker Certification Refresher Training