근처 24시카페 찾는 방법 및 어플 How to find a nearby 24-hour cafe and app

The 24-hour cafe is Drop Top Incheon Juan Branch.



“Shall we go to one more cafe?”


I suddenly got worried inside Anyday, a 24-hour cafe in Cheongna International City, Incheon. There are now a total of 79 24-hour cafes that I have been to this year. If we go to just one more place, there will be 80. If there are 80 places in 24 hours, it’s 80 hours of 24-hour cafe travel. Of course, whether you look at the time spent wandering around the cafe or the time spent inside the cafe, it was over 80 hours. Still, if you named it like that, it seemed like a trip around the world in 80 days. When I was young, I loved Around the World in 80 Days. The main character is so pressed for time that he sees things to see, travels around the world, and even finds a lover. My 24-hour cafe trip is a story about running around, seeing the neighborhood, and writing about cafes while running out of time.


As I was about to go back after completing 79 haphazardly, I felt like something was wrong. Still, I wanted to complete 80 neatly at the end of the day. Of course, there is some time left this year, so I could go further, but I still wanted to fill 80 in one day. I couldn’t find a place in the metropolitan area that made me want to go to just one place and stay there all night. It was worth it. I worked really hard in the metropolitan area. The only place I haven’t been to much was Incheon. Of course, there are several 24-hour cafes in Suwon and Ansan. There are still a few 24-hour cafes left in those two cities. However, I didn’t really have the desire to go back to the city I visited and end it altogether. Because there’s next year too. Of course, I don’t know if I’ll continue to travel around next year, but honestly, it’s not much fun to go back to the same city I’ve already visited.


Will I be able to fill 80 hours of 24-hour cafe travel by filling up the 80 24-hour cafes I visited this year in the early morning of November 15, 2017?


At the cafe, I started searching for places to go. Actually, I already made a list. From there, all I had to do was choose a place to go. First of all, I had no intention of going to the 24-hour cafe in Yeongjong Island. On the way there and back, I felt like I wanted to commit suicide when I saw people coming back from their travels. So, 24-hour cafes in Yeongjong Island are definitely excluded. I had to look for it in the remaining places. Since we didn’t have much time, considering the travel time, we ended up having to travel around Incheon.


I looked into transportation. It was a bit far from Incheon Cheongna 24-hour cafe to Gajeong Station. There are only a few options left.


Now that this has happened, I return to the Lord.


Choice was ultimately the main issue. There are several 24-hour cafes in Juan. The 24-hour cafes that are worth visiting in a short time from Cheongna are located in Juan.


5:58 am. I left for Juan Station.


Cheongna International City


It was still dark in the early morning. The day was very cold. As dawn came, the cold wind rushed into my clothes.


“Oh, it’s cold!”


As I was walking down the street, I saw a bus stop. I had to walk a long way to get to Gajeong Station. I couldn’t shake off the temptation of the bus. If I had time, I would still walk, but I didn’t have much time. So, I decided to take the bus.


6:02 AM. I took bus number 17-1. I looked at the bus route map. It was indicated that the stop at Exit 4 of Asiad Stadium was connected to Incheon Line 2.


Incheon Cheongna 17-1 Bus


When I got on the bus, my body warmed up a little. I felt sleepy. Still, I had to stay alert. Since I didn’t have much time, if I was late, it would be like leaving the cafe I really liked so early for no reason.


People kept getting on the bus one by one. No one got off.


6:16 AM. I arrived at exit 4 of Incheon Asiad Stadium.


Incheon Asiad Stadium


The moon was high in the sky.


“Why isn’t anyone getting off?”


If it was a subway station, at least one person other than me would have gotten off, but no one got off. Since the living area here is connected to Geomdan, is it possible to take this bus to the last stop? It felt weird, but I had to get off, so I got off.


Incheon Asiad Stadium Main Stadium


I don’t know if I’ve ever been here. When I was in college, I came to see the Incheon Asian Games because my school’s student council said they would let me watch it for free.


“Where is the station?”


I looked for the subway station. There was no subway station in sight. I launched Kakao Map. I checked the location.


“What? The station is really far away!”


Total distance 1.3km. I took the bus to avoid walking, but ended up taking the bus. It was a night of lots of walking. I walked hard again in the cold wind.


6:30 in the morning. I arrived at Asiad Stadium Station on Incheon Line 2.


Incheon Subway Line 2 Asiad Stadium Station


I went down to take the subway.


Incheon Subway Line 2


I saw a female student coming to school with her hair still wet and not fully dried, and adults coming to the station early in the morning to go to her workplace.


I took the subway line 2 in Incheon. Originally, as soon as I arrived at Juan Station, I had to take Incheon Subway Line 2 and go from Cheongna. The damn Seoul Line 1 subway was late and I missed it so I had to walk over 10km. I started riding Seoul Subway Line 1 in 2002, so while the president has changed four times, delays and delays are still part of my daily life. Indeed, Subway Line 1 seems to have an unyielding will and faith.


Incheon Subway 01


Incheon Subway 02


Incheon Subway 03


Incheon Subway 04


Incheon Subway Line 2 runs underground. I rode in the last car and was able to take a picture of that scene.


“What’s wrong with the broadcast here?”


I rode Incheon Subway Line 2 for the first time when I went to the Incheon Islamic Center. This is my second ride. Whether it was my first time riding it or now my second time riding it, what I felt was that the broadcast was very unusual.


Why on earth are you broadcasting like a warning broadcast?


No matter how I thought about it, the Incheon Line 2 announcement sounded like a warning that a boss was about to appear in a shooting game. The safety door is closing! The safety door is closing! This sounded like a warning sound announcing the appearance of a stage boss. Now the doors are closed and monsters and zombies are rushing towards the train from the station stairs, shouting strange things. Is this an evacuation announcement telling me to get on quickly? People who can’t ride get eaten and bitten and become monsters and zombies?


6:54 am. I arrived at Juan Station.


Juan Station


I’m back again. Now it’s time to go to Drop Top Incheon Juan branch.


Incheon Line 2 Juan Station


I left Incheon Line 2 Juan Station.


Seoul Line 1 Juan Station


It was now morning and cars were pouring out onto the streets.


In front of Juan Station


If you walk straight from Exit 2 of Juan Station, there is a 24-hour cafe at Incheon Juan Station where I should go. I walked diligently.


“Finally, 80 places are filled.”


Drop Top Incheon Juan Branch


November 15, 2017, 7:04 am. As I finally arrived at Incheon Juan 24-hour cafe Drop Top Incheon Juan branch, the number of 24-hour cafes I visited this year reached 80.


So, the 24-hour cafe I went to this time is Drop Top Incheon Juan, a 24-hour cafe located at Juan Station in Nam-gu, Incheon.


The address of Drop Top Incheon Juan branch is 719 Michuhol-daero, Nam-gu, Incheon. The address is 210-1 Juan-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon.


Incheon Juan Drop Top


There was no smoking room inside the cafe, but there was a space outside that was used as a smoking booth.


Drop Top Incheon Juan Branch Smoking Booth


I went into the cafe.


Incheon Juan 24 Hour Cafe


When looking straight at the checkout counter, the left corner looks like this.


24-hour cafe at Juan Station, Nam-gu, Incheon – Drop Top Incheon Juan Branch


The 8-seat table right in front of the counter also had an outlet under the table board.


24-hour cafe at Juan Station, Nam-gu, Incheon – Drop Top Incheon Juan Branch


The interior was just a drop top interior.


drop top interior


The checkout counter and display stand look like this.


drop top display stand


There was one student working hard on his laptop early in the morning.


And while I’m writing this, it’s snowing briefly outside. I saw my first snow this year at the 24-hour cafe I visited for the 80th time. I guess Heaven wanted to congratulate me on visiting 80 24-hour cafes this year and completing 80 hours of 24-hour cafe travel on November 15, 2017.


There is a 24-hour cafe, Drop Top Incheon Juan, near Juan Station in Nam-gu, Incheon.