2024 싸이 흠뻑쇼 티켓팅 총정리 및 꿀팁 2024 PSY Soak Show Ticketing Summary and Tips

It seems like summer is approaching in earnest, and the temperature and humidity are rising significantly. As the weather gets hotter, all I can think about is going out to have fun, and I can’t leave out PSY’s drenching show where you can get wet.

흠뻑쇼 티켓팅

흠뻑쇼 티켓팅

I successfully bought tickets in 2022 and 23, and have used both standing and seated seats. It’s fun whether you’re standing or sitting. For those of you who have difficulty getting tickets, I’d like to tell you a few things about how to check the schedule and how to get tickets.


Both PC and mobile are available, but considering internet speed and ease of use, it is most advantageous to purchase tickets on PC. If you cannot use a PC, you may be able to do so via mobile, but it may be a little late.


Please check the Psy Soak Show 2024 schedule below, check out how to purchase tickets, and successfully purchase tickets to enjoy a cool summer show with your family and loved ones.

How to check the 2024 Soak Show schedule and purchase tickets


1. Check the 2024 Soak Show schedule and location

As of writing, the 2024 Soak Show schedule has not been released, but you can check the schedule on Psy’s Instagram or Interpark Ticket. Since the reservation period and time are accurately disclosed, if you want to purchase a ticket for the show, you must first check the ticket reservation schedule.


I am editing this post as the ticket reservation schedule and location for the Soak Show have been revealed. It will be held in Gwacheon, Incheon, Sokcho, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, Wonju, Gwangju, and Suwon, and the reservation schedule is as follows.


The date and time, i.e. the show schedule, are the most important parts of ticketing, so you must check and know them. This is because the number of minutes a ticket is opened determines the success or failure of ticketing.


And you need to check the location in advance. As mentioned above, popular performances such as the Soak Show are sold out within minutes after ticket sales begin, so you must find out the venue and seats in advance to purchase tickets quickly and accurately.


In the case of standing tickets, you can easily purchase a ticket by knowing the area you want, and if you are purchasing a seat ticket, you must compare the seats of the previous year in advance to find out which seats you want.


If you only know one place and it’s sold out, you’ll need to quickly reserve another seat, so be sure to keep this in mind.


2. How to get tickets for the Soak Show

Once you have confirmed the schedule and location, you can access Interpark Ticket and purchase tickets as soon as the reservation button is activated at the time when ticketing opens. It is much easier to reserve tickets on a PC than on a mobile phone because you can open multiple windows and display the reservation button in multiple windows.


It would be nice if you could make a reservation right away, but since there are a lot of people who are really fast and there is a possibility that connection will be delayed, it is advantageous to access the ticketing page by clicking the reservation button in multiple windows.


The most important thing is that you should not press the reservation button and then refresh. In the past, there was a way to connect by refreshing, but now you should never refresh because it causes a delay in the order.


To quickly purchase tickets, registering and logging in to Interpark is required, and it is also a good idea to practice ticketing until just before payment for a leisurely performance. If you check your payment method in advance, you will be able to pay more quickly.


3. How to pre-order for the show
Advance reservations are also available for the soaking show. Pre-orders are available at soPSYety, and if you own PSYger, PSYety’s NFT, you can pre-order the show. If you own one, you can pre-order up to 2 tickets, and if you have tickets from the previous year, you can pre-order up to 4 tickets, so if you want to enjoy it with your loved ones without worrying about purchasing tickets, purchasing an NFT and pre-ordering is also an option.


PSYger, PSY’s NFT, is priced at approximately 300,000 won at the time of writing.


▶ Go to the soPSYety homepage


The Soak Show is a summer festival that can be enjoyed every summer, and I think it is a refreshing concert that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. I hope you succeed in purchasing tickets and make happy memories with your lover, family, and friends this year.