현대이지웰 복지몰 바로가기 Go to Hyundai Easywell Welfare Mall

We would like to inform you of the address of Easywell Welfare Mall. Those who are civil servants or work in public institutions will receive welfare points. Welfare points can be used like cash. It can be used on the Hyundai Easywell Welfare Mall site, but the Welfare Mall site cannot be accessed by the general public and can only be used by relevant government officials or public institution employees. And the site address is different for each institution. Let’s learn more about the Easywell Welfare Mall address.

현대이지웰 복지몰

현대이지웰 복지몰

Easywell Welfare Mall Address
The address of Easywell Welfare Mall is different for each institution. Enter https:// company code or company name in the address bar as shown below. You can access it at ezwel.com. Please refer to the website address of the representative public institution Easywell Welfare Mall below.

Find the address of Easywell Welfare Mall
1. In the address bar >> https:// company code or company name. ezwel. Connect via com
2. Search through Google and access (relevant institution + Easywell)
3. Contact Hyundai Easywell Customer Center to find out more.
Hyundai Easywell Customer Center Phone Number: 02-3282-0579 (Weekdays 09~18:00)
The Easywell Welfare Mall sites of major organizations are listed below. Click to access the Welfare Mall sites.

1 Seoul City Hall Welfare Mall 8 Bank of Korea Welfare Mall
2 Gyeonggi Provincial Office Welfare Mall 9 National Health Insurance Corporation Welfare Mall
3 Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education Welfare Mall 10 National Police Agency Welfare Mall
4 Gangwon-do Office of Education Welfare Mall 11 Korea Gas Safety Corporation Welfare Mall
5 Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education Welfare Mall 12 Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service Welfare Mall
6 Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education Welfare Mall 13 Incheon International Airport Welfare Mall
7 Daejeon Metropolitan City Hall Welfare Mall 14 National Tax Service Welfare Mall
There are 14 representative Easy Well welfare mall sites above. For example, the Seoul City Hall Welfare Mall is seoul.ezwell.com, and the Gyeonggi Provincial Office Welfare Mall is gg.ezwell.com. You can also access it directly by searching on Google as shown below.

Easywell Welfare Mall Google search screen
Most local government ezwell site addresses are named ezwel.com. Below is the address of Easywell Welfare Mall, a local government in Gyeonggi-do, so please refer to it.

1 Ansan City Hall https://ansan.ezwel.com/
2 Pyeongtaek City Hall https://pt.ezwel.com/
3 Siheung City Hall https://shcity.ezwel.com/
4 Paju City Hall https://paju.ezwel.com/
5 Uijeongbu City Hall https://ui4u.ezwel.com/
6 Gwangmyeong City Hall https://gm.ezwel.com/
7 Gunpo City Hall https://gunpo.ezwel.com/
8 Osan City Hall https://osan.ezwel.com/
9 Guri City Hall https://guri.ezwel.com/
10 Anseong City Hall https://as.ezwel.com/
11 Pocheon City Hall https://pcs21.ezwel.com/
12 Yeoju City Hall https://yj21.ezwel.com/
13 Gapyeong County Office https://gp.ezwel.com/
14 Gwacheon City Hall https://gccity.ezwel.com/
15 Yeoncheon County Office https://yc.ezwel.com/