하나은행 통장사본 출력 및 발급 Printing and issuing Hana Bank bankbook copy

When creating a salary account at a company, receiving various subsidies, filing an insurance claim, or in business transactions, a copy of the account may be requested to receive deposits and withdrawals.

하나은행 통장사본

하나은행 통장사본

If you need a copy of your bankbook like this but don’t know where it is, if you have a bankbook but don’t have it printed or can’t scan it, or if you need to do something urgently outside and are in trouble because you don’t have the file, you can easily get a copy of your bankbook through internet banking and the bank’s mobile app. You can print it.


In the untact era, the role of paper bankbooks is decreasing, but the role of bankbook copies is still important. How can I issue and print a copy of my bankbook online at Hana Bank? We will introduce two ways to print from the mobile app Hana One Q and Internet Banking, as well as an additional way to print the transfer confirmation certificate.



How to print a copy of Hana Bank bankbook and save it as a PDF


You must log in to print a copy of your bankbook. Various certificates, bankbook copies, etc. for the purpose of receiving support funds can be printed with just an ID and password without a public certificate. However, financial transaction confirmation documents, etc. are required as an exception.



How to save in the mobile app Hana One Q

▼ Run the mobile app Hana One Q > Log in > Select account > Transaction history > Transaction history inquiry > More > Account information



▼ Copy of bankbook > Save



※ The saved bankbook copy image is stored in the smartphone gallery, so you can download and use it and print it out.



How to print and save PDF through internet banking

When checking on a PC, you can simply check your account through the Hana Bank website and print it out. You can use it after logging in.


▶ Print a copy of your bankbook and save it as a PDF (☞ Click here)



If you use a file frequently, it is convenient to save it as a PDF file before printing. If you want to see the screen and follow along, please refer to the image below.


▼ Access Hana Bank Internet Banking > Login > Inquiry > Account inquiry > Select account > Account management > View account information



▼ Print a copy of your bankbook



▼ Print



▼ Preview > Print bankbook copy > Save as PDF > Save (print)





How to print Hana Bank transfer confirmation and save as PDF

The transfer confirmation cannot be used on mobile apps and can only be printed through internet banking. A joint certificate is required for printing. ID login cannot be printed.


Hana Bank transfer confirmation printout (shortcut)



▼ Access Hana Bank Internet Banking > Login > Transfer > Check transfer account > Check account transfer details > Select account > Select account > Transfer confirmation at the bottom



▼ Print transfer confirmation



▼ Preview > Save as PDF > Save (print)