통장압류 해지기간 How to solve bank account seizure, cancel application alone! (After approval decision)

How to get rid of lockdown
(After approval decision)
When credit card payments and loans are overdue, creditors usually try to seize bankbooks or salaries through lawsuits. At this time, those who apply for personal rehabilitation submit an application to the court and at the same time submit a “ban order”. The problem is that it is not effective for cases that have already been foreclosed. In other words, even if the decision to ban personal rehabilitation has already been made after the creditor’s seizure has already come in and the bankbook has been seized, it is prohibited only for new seizures in the future without solving the seizures that have already been carried out. That’s why if you have ever been in the middle of the day when you applied for personal rehabilitation, you must tell the law office and prepare for the prohibition order and stop order. 통장압류 해지기간

Now, let’s look at how to stop seizure and receive an authorization decision to release seizure.

통장압류 해지기간

with a stop order
Stop the foreclosure process! 1분전

If foreclosure has already been preceded, you must apply for a restraining order together with a restraining order. Stop is literally to stop the seizure process that is currently in progress. In other words, the creditor’s foreclosure is maintained, but the collection process (forcibly taking the money) is stopped.

In this case, even if there is money in the bankbook, the creditor cannot take it, and if the salary is garnished, the garnishment on the debtor’s income that occurs every month is maintained, but part of the salary is not taken. Then, the company will accumulate or deposit part of it every month.


Stop seizing bankbooks

Stop seizure of personal property
Personal rehabilitation plan
will be corrected.

When the decision to start individual rehabilitation is made, the act of depositing the repayment amount each month begins. Afterwards, the court makes a final approval decision after confirming that the debtor has faithfully deposited the repayment. However, if the salary has been pressured, only 1.85 million won will be received. Then, the repayment itself is impossible due to lack of personal rehabilitation repayment or lack of living expenses. Then you can’t make a decision.

Therefore, the court amends the reimbursement plan. If the wages are not foreclosed, it is usually “36 months from June 25, 2021 to May 25, 2024”, but if wages are withheld, “the 25th day following the day on which the repayment plan in this case is approved is excluded. It will be changed to “until the 25th of the month that becomes the 36th in one session.”


Personal Rehabilitation Repayment Plan

have to release the pressure
Do not deposit reimbursement

If the salary garnishment came in as above, you must receive a decision to release the garnishment and receive a normal salary. This is because you can deposit the monthly repayment normally from the 25th of the next month when it is authorized. Then, let’s look at how to release the seizure after the approval decision.

The way to release the seizure is as follows.

1) Fill out an application for release of seizure
2) Prepare attached documents
– A certified copy of the decision to approve the repayment plan (can be issued by the court where the rehabilitation application was filed)
– A copy of the list of creditors (can be issued by the court where the rehabilitation application was filed)
– Authentic copy of the seizure decision (can be issued by the court that made the seizure in case of loss)
– Copy of application form (copy of application form)
3) Payment of stamp duty and delivery fee
4) Submission of application to the court that made the seizure
(※ The court that made the seizure, not the court that applied for rehabilitation, that is, the court mentioned in the seizure decision)
5) Release of seizure after 2-3 weeks

Attached is the eviction request form. Download it if you need it.

Individual Rehabilitation + Approval Decision + Post Debt Seizure + Release of Execution.hwp


What is the procedure after approval decision?


After the approval decision, you only need to remember two things.

1) Do not pay the personal rehabilitation repayment fee, but pay it steadily during the repayment period and be sure to receive an exemption decision!!
2) Raise your credit score by steadily using other banks, not personal rehabilitation creditors’ banks!!

After the approval decision, overdue information is deleted, but the rehabilitation code remains as a record of the Federation of Banks. That’s why there are restrictions on credit card issuance or loans even after the approval decision. However, if a decision is made to exempt from liability, it will be deleted. The time of 3 years is long if it’s long and short if it’s short. We actively cheer for you to be exempted and make a fresh start.

I hope that my article today will be helpful to you, and I will finish this.