카카오택시 사용법 알아보기 Learn how to use Kakao Taxi

These days, the days of waiting and reaching out to catch a taxi are gone. Thanks to the Kakao Taxi service, many people can conveniently call a taxi to their front door in advance and have it come to wherever they want. Today, I will teach you how to use Kakao Taxi and how to call a taxi easily and simply.

If you would like to call a taxi, please click the button below to make a reservation.


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✅ Call taxi phone numbers near me



Kakao Taxi
How to use Kakao Taxi
Download Kakao Taxi app
Call Kakao Taxi
Kakao Taxi Reservation
Kakao Taxi Customer Center
👇Call taxi information ✅
Kakao Taxi

Kakao Taxi is a mobile taxi calling service available in Korea. It can be easily used through a smartphone application. It is also linked to KakaoTalk, so you can share taxi call information with your KakaoTalk friends.

It reduces unnecessary time to catch a taxi and provides convenient use. In addition, it provides various information such as taxi model and driver information along with taxi call information, ensuring safety even for female passengers.

By clicking the button below, you can immediately make a Kakao Taxi reservation call of your choice.

Call Kakao Taxi
Call Kakao Taxi



How to use Kakao Taxi
First, you need to download the Kakao Taxi app. You can download the Kakao Taxi app by clicking the link.

1. If you download Kakao Taxi, please access the app. You can link it to your Kakao account, so it only takes 5 seconds. After verifying with KakaoTalk, agree to location settings.


2. After connecting to Kakao Taxi, you can make the call you want. Usually everyone uses “taxi” and sometimes expensive “black” services.


3. When you click on the taxi, the current location is automatically tracked by GPS and you can select the destination. If you have a tip, it would be a good idea to use a famous building or restaurant near your current location as drivers sometimes do not visit your current location.


4. If the location is Gangnam Station, the name of the nearby building is good, and you can type in Baekdabang ~ branch, Starbucks ~ branch, Kyochon Chicken ~ branch located on the 1st floor and “click”.

5. Once you have set the destination, you can select the car model. If you want to get there cheaply, you can use “General Call.” If you want a taxi to arrive quickly, you can use “Blue.” If you want to use a good service like a deluxe taxi, you can use “Black.” Venti refers to a van.


6. After that, the estimated amount is set, and you can register your payment card. If you are too lazy, you can click “Change” and pay directly to the driver.

7. Now all you have to do is wait for the driver to be assigned and arrive. If you look at the top, the vehicle number is written, so you can carefully look at the number of the taxi coming towards you. Afterwards, if it stops in front, board safely.


Call Kakao Taxi




Download Kakao Taxi app
Downloading the Kakao Taxi app is not difficult. If you are a Galaxy user, access the Google Play Store and search for “Kakao Taxi.” If you are an iPhone user, access the App Store and search for “Kakao Taxi.”

If you don’t want to bother looking for the app, click the button below to download the Kakao Taxi app right away.




Call Kakao Taxi
How to call a Kakao Taxi can be divided into five steps.

If you do not have the Kakao T app, download it
After selecting the departure point and destination
Call a taxi and assign a driver
Check dispatch and boarding
Disembarkation completed after payment


Kakao Taxi Reservation
In the past, you would call a call taxi in advance and ask them to come at what time according to your existing schedule, but you can also make a reservation for this service through Kakao Taxi. If you can make a reservation, you can reserve a taxi the day before and ride comfortably.


If you look at the bottom left, there is a “Reservation” button. After clicking, select one-way or charter and specify the departure time.
After this, you can set the departure and destination points as you would for a call.

3. Afterwards, select the vehicle you want and enter the contact information of the person you wish to ride or if another person is riding. Afterwards, click “Reserve” and you are done.

Please use the Kakao Taxi reservation service by clicking the button below.


Book a Kakao Taxi




Kakao Taxi Customer Center
Kakao Taxi’s customer center phone number is 1599-9400. If a person reading this encounters a specific problem while using Kakao Taxi, please call the number and a friendly counselor will be able to help you quickly.

Just a quick question about charging. To resolve any problems that arise while using Kakao Taxi, the Kakao Taxi Customer Center is open 24 hours a day, so you can contact us at any time.