카카오뱅크 후불교통카드 결제일 Kakao Bank transportation card payment date and usage history confirmation

카카오뱅크 후불교통카드 결제일Kakao Bank transportation card fees are approved by adding up the amount used from the 1st to the last day of each month around the 5th of the following month. And it will be withdrawn around 6:00 PM on the 10th of each month, which is the payment date.

If the 10th is a holiday, withdrawals will be made on the next business day, so it is important to manage your Kakao Bank account balance so that it is not overdue before the 10th.

If you do not know how much the transportation fare is due to be paid, you can check the usage history of the Kakao Bank transportation card by following the instructions below.

▷ Run the Kakao Bank app to check the usage history of the Kakao Bank deferred payment transportation card. After that, select ‘Card Usage History’. And when you move to the next screen, select ‘Check card usage record’ to continue.

▷ If you touch ‘Search transportation usage details’ below, you can view transportation card details by month on the next screen. It shows where and when you used public transportation, and you can also see the total amount of your Kakao Bank transportation card.

If the account balance was insufficient around 6:00 pm on the 10th, the payment date of the Kakao Bank transportation card, the balance will be withdrawn first. Fortunately, however, there is a second withdrawal date. The second withdrawal date is around 7:00 am on the next business day.

If the transportation fee is not paid in full due to insufficient balance on the second withdrawal date, overdue money will accumulate according to the number of overdue days, which will affect your credit score. Therefore, it is recommended to check the details of the Kakao Bank deferred payment transportation card 10 days prior to the withdrawal date and adjust the balance in advance.

The payment date of the Kakao Bank transportation card cannot be changed, and if you have any questions about overdue payment, you can contact the Kakao Bank customer center phone number (1599-3333) directly for quick guidance.

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