카카오뱅크 중고차 대출 Car loan (personal banking | financial product | loan | loan product/application | car loan)

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(Including private taxis, camping cars and caravans, and imported cars)

※ Incidental costs: Vehicle registration related costs, acquisition tax, automobile tax, insurance premium, special device installation cost, delivery fee, etc.
※ Used car market price assessment: Amount calculated by applying the used car market price from the Automobile Civil Service Public Portal (www.ecar.go.kr) or the used car residual value rate by year (new car price
※ Guarantee limit: Amount available for guarantee calculated based on the customer’s annual income and credit rating, etc.

※ Bankbook automatic loan operation is not possible
Base date: 2023.10.26 (annual interest rate, %)
① Base interest rate: Financial bond interest rate is the “AAA-rated financial bond distribution yield” announced by the Korea Financial Investment Association (www.kofia.or.kr) and is applied at the closing price on the business day before the last business day of the previous week.
② Additional interest rate: The additional interest rate for each customer is applied differently depending on credit rating, etc.
③ Preferential interest rate: Up to 1.5%p per year preferential
☞Preferential treatment linked to performance: Up to 0.8%p per year
– Preferential treatment for salary (pension) transfer performance: Up to 0.3%p per year
– Preferential treatment for KB Kookmin Card (credit) usage record: 0.1%p to 0.3%p per year
(If you designate your payment account as our bank and have a usage history of more than 30/60/900,000 won over the past 3 months)
– Preferential treatment for those with savings accounts worth 300,000 won or more: 0.2% per year
※ The performance-related preferential interest rate is recalculated and applied every month after 3 months of new loan, depending on whether the preferential conditions for each item are met.
☞Preferential treatment at branches: Up to 0.7%p per year (up to 0.7%p per year applies even if all items apply)
– Credit rating (CSS) 1~3 customers: 0.1%p per year
– Preferential treatment for referrals (lawyers): 0.2%p per year
– Hybrid/electric vehicle/light vehicle: 0.5%p per year
* Hybrid: It can be confirmed that it is a “hybrid” vehicle in the automobile sales contract, and (in the future) the type of fuel will be specified in the automobile registration certificate.
Only if described as “hybrid”
④ Final interest rate: The final interest rate for each customer is applied differentially according to the additional interest rate and preferential interest rate calculated according to the standard interest rate, credit rating, loan period, etc., and the actual applied interest rate can be confirmed when applying for a loan through KB Star Banking or Internet banking. there is.
① Late payment interest rate: Up to 15% per year (loan interest rate for each borrower + late payment interest rate)
※ However, if the loan interest rate is higher than the highest delinquent interest rate, the loan interest rate + 2.0%p per year
☞ 『Delinquent interest rate』applies 3% per year.
② When you have to pay overdue interest (delay compensation)
☞When payment is not made on the “date agreed to pay interest.”
– Late payment interest will be charged on the agreed upon interest to be paid for one month from the day following the date on which the interest must be paid.
It is applied, and after 1 month, due to loss of overdue profit, you must pay overdue interest, which is the loan balance multiplied by the overdue interest rate.
☞When the installment repayment (or installment repayment principal and interest) is not repaid on the scheduled date.
– From the day after the date on which the installment repayment (or installment repayment principal and interest) must be repaid, the relevant installment repayment amount
If overdue interest on (or installment repayment principal and interest) is delayed more than two times in a row, it is subject to loss of overdue profit.
As a result, you will have to pay interest on the loan balance.
[Compliance officer reviewed No. 2023-3732-30 (2023.10.06)]
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1588-9999, 1599-9999, 1644-9999
When calling from overseas to Korea +82-2-6300-9999
Loan short-term delinquency and maturity information 1588-9008
When calling from overseas to Korea +82-42-603-0711
(Excluding loss and accident reports)
Investment product approval confirmation 1833-3938
When calling from overseas to Korea +82-1833-3938
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카카오뱅크 중고차 대출
