카카오뱅크 비상금대출 조건 emergency fund loan | Kakao Bank

카카오뱅크 비상금대출 조건The loan amount is ready for immediate use. In addition to transfer, you can withdraw from an ATM with a check card or use it conveniently through online/offline payment.

Customers who meet all of the criteria below, regardless of occupation or income
negative bankbook loan

Minimum KRW 500,000 ~ maximum KRW 3 million

1 year ※ An application for extension is required before the maturity of the loan, and it can be extended in increments of one year depending on the examination results.
repayment at maturity
doesn’t exist

Available 365 days a year (06:00 to 23:30)

∙ Emergency fund loan: 4.696% ~ 15.000% per year
(as of 2023.06.30)

∙ Mid-credit emergency loan: 6.462% ~ 11.983% per year
(as of 2023.06.30)

This product is a loan product, and if there is an unpaid amount as of the monthly interest payment date, overdue interest will be incurred as follows.

카카오뱅크 비상금대출 조건
