2024 청년월세지원 신청방법,기간, 조건, 총정리 2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support Application Method, Period, Conditions, Summary

The 2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support is a special monthly rent support program targeting independent young people aged 19 to 34. This program is scheduled to carry out various youth monthly rent support projects in 2024, and the maximum monthly rent will be supported up to 2.4 million won. Support is provided monthly for a total of 12 months, up to a maximum of 200,000 won per month.



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2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support Application Method and Procedure

How to apply online
After logging in to welfare, if you select Apply for Welfare Service from the Service Application menu, the Welfare Benefit Application item will appear. Here, you can find and apply for temporary monthly rent special support for young people in the Other category. Through this, young people can receive special benefits for monthly rent.


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How to apply in person
In general, young people must apply individually and by visiting the community center in the jurisdiction of their address.


Youth monthly rent special support application form.pdf

When a representative applies

① Legal representative

② Members of the same household according to resident registration (excluding cohabitants)

③ Spouses and direct descendants and descendants who are not members of the same household are allowed.


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Documents required when applying as a representative

① Power of attorney

② Agent’s ID (resident registration card, driver’s license, passport, etc.)

Deposits to a seizure prevention account are not possible, and if it is difficult to open an account in one’s own name, the Account Management Principles of the Basic Livelihood Security System will be followed. Even if an agent applies, the money is actually deposited into the young person’s account.



2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support Contents
Support amount
Maximum monthly rent support amount: KRW 2.4 million (maximum KRW 200,000 per month) – Any portion exceeding this amount will not be separately supported.

Maximum support period: 12 months (times)


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Recipients of housing benefits will only receive the amount minus the monthly rent (including the separate payment amount of youth housing benefits) from the housing benefit amount received. Even if the supply period is not consecutive, support is provided over a period of 12 months (times), and this is provided within the actual monthly rent range. Rental deposits, management fees, etc. are excluded from the amount, so housing benefit recipients can actually receive a portion of the monthly rent to reduce the burden.

Youth monthly rent special support project manual.pdf

2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support Conditions
Supported by
① Independently living, homeless youth aged 19 to 34

② Young independent household income is less than 60% of median income

③ Original household income is less than 100% of median income



① Age 30 or older

② Marriage (divorce)

③ Unmarried father/mother

④ In cases where the head of a city/county/district recognizes that an unmarried young person under the age of 30 has an income of more than 50% of the median income, making a living differently, the income of the original household is not taken into consideration.



furniture composition
① Young independent household (young person + spouse + direct descendant + other family members under civil law living at the same address)

① Original household (young independent household + direct blood relatives (father, mother) within 1st degree of kinship)


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Cases excluded from support
① Homeowner (including sale rights and occupancy rights)

Renting a house for blood relatives within the second degree, such as lineal ascendants, brothers, sisters, etc.

Residence in public rental housing under the Special Act on Public Housing

④ Living in a house with a deposit exceeding 50 million won

⑤ In case of sublease where multiple people live in one room

Beneficiaries of monthly rent support projects implemented by local governments, etc.


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2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support Selection Criteria


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Young independent households
Standard for calculating income assessment amount

Income assessment amount = (① Earned income + ② Business income + ③ Property income + ④ Public transfer income) – (⑤ Earned and business income deduction)
Standard: 60% or less of median income in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 11 of the National Basic Living Security Act
Standard for calculating property valuation

Total property value (KRW 107 million or less): ⑥ General property value + ⑦ Car value – ⑧ Liabilities (only debts for the purpose of securing a rental deposit are recognized)
Standard: Property such as general property and automobiles must meet certain standards.


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
youth original household
Standard for calculating income assessment amount

Income assessment amount = (① Earned income + ② Business income + ③ Property income + ④ Public transfer income) – (⑤ Earned and business income deduction)
Standard: 100% or less of median income in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 11 of the National Basic Living Security Act
Standard for calculating property valuation

Total property value (380 million won or less): ⑥ General property value + ⑦ Car value – ⑧ Liabilities (only debts for the purpose of purchasing a house or securing a rental deposit are recognized)
Standard: Property such as general property and automobiles must meet certain standards.


2024 Youth monthly rent support property and income classification and standards


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
① Earned income: Income from full-time workers

② Business income: Other business income

③ Property income: rental income, interest income

④ Public transfer income: National pension, private school retirement pension, civil servant retirement pension, military retirement pension, special post office pension, industrial accident insurance benefits, etc.

⑤ Earned/Business Income Deduction: 30% of earned/business income

⑥ General property value: buildings, houses, land, rental deposits, ships, aircraft, memberships, etc.

⑦ Car value: Car value

⑧ Liabilities: Loans (loans from financial institutions, loans from institutions other than financial institutions), loans from public institutions (farmland pension, etc.)


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Inquiry for 2024 youth monthly rent support


2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Telephone inquiry
Youth monthly rent special support call center: 1600-0777
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: 1599-0001
Related website
Youth monthly rent special support call center: www.myhome.go.kr
Bokjiro: http://www.bokjiro.go.kr
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: http://www.molit.go.kr
Basis of law
Basic Housing Act
Youth Framework Act
Youth monthly rent special support application form.pdf
Youth monthly rent special support project manual.pdf



2024 Youth Monthly Rent Support
Through this article, we have introduced you to information about monthly rent support for young people. We hope that all young people who receive support will have a better living environment and a more stable life. If you have any further details or questions about support, please contact your local community center or related organization for further assistance. We hope that you will receive good support and achieve a stable life. thank you