주택청약 1순위 조건 1st condition for housing subscription and additional points: 0% chance of winning if you do not know – Real Estate Foryou

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This is a system that gives people who have a subscription passbook the opportunity to subscribe to national housing and private housing. For reference, please keep in mind that you have to deposit more than a certain amount for a certain period of time to increase your chances of applying for subscription and winning.
Anyone residing in Korea without age restrictions can open a subscription account at Nonghyup, Kookmin Bank, Hana Bank, Woori Bank, Shinhan Bank, Busan Bank, Daegu Bank, and Industrial Bank of Korea. In addition, you can choose and pay the deposit amount from 20,000 won to 500,000 won, so you can sign up without much burden.
Housing that can be sold through housing subscription can be divided into national housing and private housing built by the state, local governments, LH, and local corporations. Since the qualifications for subscription and the method of calculating additional points for national housing and private housing are slightly different, it is necessary to think carefully about “Where should I aim to prepare for subscription?” We will discuss this in a little more detail below.
I will explain the national housing sold by the national and local governments as an example. If you rent 1000 households in National Housing, you can think of it as winning in the order of 1st and 2nd priority subscribers.
In the case of selling 1,000 households in National Housing, assuming that 1,200 first-rank subscribers apply and 200 second-rank subscribers apply, 1,000 out of 1,200 first-rank subscribers will win. In other words, there is no chance of winning for the 2nd place.
If 600 1st-ranked subscribers applied and 500 2nd-ranked subscribers applied, 400 out of 600 1st-ranked subscribers and 500 2nd-ranked subscribers would win.
Here is a more detailed explanation of this process:
The housing application selection process proceeds as follows. Therefore, those who want to receive sales through subscription must be ranked 1st to increase the chance of winning. As you can see, the difference between the 1st and 2nd ranks is huge.
The first priority conditions for national housing and private housing are different.
If you are preparing to apply for National Housing, you can prepare in accordance with the common items and the 1st condition for National Housing if you want to become the 1st priority subscriber.
In addition, if you want to become the 1st priority subscriber for private housing, you can prepare by referring to the common matters section and the 1st priority condition for private housing.
In the case of more than 2 houses per household, both private and national housing are restricted from the 1st priority. And just because you’re #1 doesn’t mean you win unconditionally. In the case of selection based on an additional point system, even if it is ranked 1st, it cannot be guaranteed 100%.
The subscription point system is calculated based on the period of homelessness, the number of dependents, and the subscription period of the bankbook. In other words, to get a lot of bonus points, you need to get the most points in these three items. However, this is also because the method of applying additional points for national housing and private housing is different, so be sure to check and prepare.
For more detailed information, please refer to the above housing subscription conditions.
Additional points for housing subscriptions are calculated by calculating the period of homelessness, the number of dependents, and the subscription period of the bankbook.
If you are a young person in your 20s or 30s, it is recommended to sign up for a youth housing subscription account.
Please note that even those who already have a subscription passbook can switch to a youth housing subscription passbook if they meet the conditions.
Let’s learn about the difference between the general subscription passbook and the youth housing subscription passbook.
General subscription bankbooks are subject to an annual interest rate of up to 1.8%.
However, the youth housing subscription passbook is applied with a preferential interest rate, and an annual interest rate of up to 3.3% is applied for 10 years.
In other words, you can see that the interest rate is better for the youth housing subscription passbook.
There is no separate 1st priority condition for youth housing subscription.
Housing subscription bankbooks are mostly handled by general financial institutions such as Woori Bank and Kookmin Bank. You can sign up with the bank of your choice.
Those who want to receive a sale through housing subscription must make an effort to become the number one subscriber. And it’s important to be prepared to receive the bonus points as much as possible. If you want to check how many additional points you can receive, you can simply calculate the score by referring to the Korea Appraisal Board’s subscription home.
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주택청약 1순위 조건

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