장애인 복지카드 혜택 및 신청방법 Disabled Welfare Card Benefits and Application Method

Disabled Welfare Card Benefits and Application Method

We summarize the benefits of the disabled welfare card. Disabled Welfare Card is a card issued to people with disabilities. It is issued by integrating a debit card or credit card with a disability registration certificate. This article summarizes the benefits of welfare cards for the disabled and how to apply for them.

장애인 복지카드 혜택

The Disabled Welfare Card is a very useful card that makes the daily life of people with disabilities more convenient. By issuing this card, you can enjoy various benefits. However, to enjoy these benefits, you must first apply for the card. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits and issuance of the disability welfare card.

장애인 복지카드 혜택

What is a welfare card for the disabled?

Disabled Welfare Card is a government-issued card that provides various benefits necessary for daily life of disabled people. Those who have been issued a disability welfare card can enjoy various benefits in cultural life, transportation, and communication.

Benefits of welfare card for the disabled

If you receive a disability welfare card, you can enjoy the following benefits.

Mobile communication fee reduction

Disabled welfare card holders can receive a 35% discount on mobile communication charges.

TV license fee exemption

Disabled welfare card holders can be exempted from TV license fees.

Cultural activity fee discount

Disabled Welfare Card holders are eligible for registered disabled persons and one guardian accompanying severely disabled persons. You can get a 50% discount at national and public performance halls and public sports facilities.

Discount on vehicle periodic inspection and comprehensive inspection fee

Disabled Welfare Card holders can enjoy a 30-50% discount on vehicle regular inspection and comprehensive inspection fees.

Public parking lot parking fee reduction

Disabled welfare card holders can receive a 50% discount on parking fees when parking in public parking lots.

How to issue welfare card for the disabled

You can apply for a disability welfare card both online and offline. In the case of online application, only the person who has been registered as a disabled person can apply, and can apply through the civil service application on the Welfare Lo website.

After entering personal information and verifying with a public certificate, the application is completed. In the case of offline application, you must apply by visiting the Eup, Myeon, or Dong community service center based on your place of residence. Issuance is made in the order of initial consultation, service application, production, and issuance. When issuing, you can receive it directly at the community center or by registered mail.

Disabled Welfare Card Benefits

Persons with a disability welfare card can receive various benefits. Representative benefits include mobile communication fee reduction, electricity fee discount for registered disabled people, TV license fee exemption, and cultural activity expenses. You can also receive benefits such as discounts on admission to public sports facilities and national parks, discounts on vehicle regular inspection and comprehensive inspection fees, and 50% discount on highway tolls.

The disabled welfare card is a very useful card that improves the quality of life of people with disabilities. We hope that you will receive a welfare card and receive various benefits.