자전거도로의 구분 Classification of bicycle roads (exclusive roads, exclusive lanes, priority roads), restrictions on use of bicycle roads – Naver Blog

자전거도로의 구분2020. 7. 24. 22:10

The number of bicycle users in Korea is more than 13 million, which is a figure that owns one out of four Koreans. The reason why the number of people using bicycles is increasing is because, first of all, they are popular as leisure sports tools with high cost-effectiveness while they are not burdensome to purchase, and the government and local governments have steadily built infrastructure focusing on safety and convenience as a policy for bicycles, which are popular among the people and are environmentally friendly means of transportation. As a result, the bicycle use environment is getting better and better, such as the opening of bicycle-only roads in neighborhood parks and riversides, and bicycle-only lanes in downtown areas.

The law on the use of bicycles includes the ‘Road Traffic Act’, which stipulates the use and regulation of bicycles, and the activation of bicycle safety and fun.
There is “Act on Promotion of Bicycle Use (abbreviation: Bicycle Act)”. Today, let’s look at the classification and use restrictions of bicycle roads stipulated by the law.

1. Classification of bicycle roads (Article 3 of the Bicycle Act) – Below are the contents of the Road Traffic Authority and the Automobile Act

bike lane
Bicycle roads that are separated from roads and sidewalks by separators, boundary stones, and other similar facilities so that only bicycles can pass

Combination road for bicycles and pedestrians
Bicycle roads that are separated from roads or installed separately by separators, boundary stones, and other similar facilities so that pedestrians as well as bicycles can pass

bike lane
A certain part of the roadway is designated as a lane for bicycles only and is separated from other vehicles by means of safety signs or road signs.
bike priority road
Bicycle roads are installed with road markings on the road so that bicycles and other vehicles can safely pass each other by determining some sections and lanes of roads where the traffic volume of vehicles is less than the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree.

2. Restrictions on use of bicycle roads
Drivers of all automobiles and motorized bicycles shall not pass through bicycle-only roads and bicycle-pedestrian combined-use roads.
Drivers of all automobiles and motorized bicycles must cross the road with the shortest distance, using marked areas for vehicles to cross, when they intend to cross the combined road for bicycles and pedestrians.
Drivers of all automobiles and motorized bicycles must not park or stop on bicycle lanes. However, on roads for bicycles and cars, temporary stops may be made to the extent that it does not interfere with bicycle traffic.
Pedestrians must not obstruct cyclists by walking along the bicycle path.

3. Notes on using other bicycles (Bicycle Act)
Bicycles are prohibited from being left unattended
① No one shall obstruct traffic by leaving a bicycle unattended on a road, bicycle parking lot, or other public place ② The mayor/provincial governor or the head of a Si/Gun/Gu may move, store, sell, or take other necessary measures with respect to bicycles that violate paragraph (1), as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

bike riding training, etc.
① Heads of elementary and middle schools shall provide traffic safety education related to the use of bicycles within the scope prescribed by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Restrictions on e-bike operation
Guardians of children under the age of 13 must not allow children to operate electric bicycles.
Written by Lee Gyeong-yeol, administrative officer

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자전거도로의 구분
