자동차 사고이력조회(차량보험이력조회) Car accident history inquiry (vehicle insurance history inquiry)

When selling a used car, there are often cases where accident history is not reported or accident vehicles are sold as accident-free vehicles. Today, we will tell you about one way to prevent damage caused by this, which is how to check the car insurance history. If you are planning to buy a used car, please read today’s content and get help.

자동차 사고이력조회

자동차 사고이력조회

Table of Contents

Things to check when buying a used car
As ordinary people who are not experts, it is not easy for us to distinguish whether a used car is accident-free, has a lot of accident history, or is flooded, even when we see it in person. If you are deceived into buying an accident vehicle by claiming it is accident-free and later have problems, it will be too late to regret it. Therefore, there are two things you must check before purchasing a used car. The insurance history and performance record of the vehicle.

These days, you can check the performance record and insurance history of a used car through sites and apps such as ‘SK Encar’. However, not all vehicles provide such information, and if you do not use such a platform, you need to check it yourself.

Sometimes, used car dealers or dealers lie about accidents or cleverly manipulate insurance history or performance records to sell. Therefore, if you know how to check your car insurance history yourself, you can use it for a long time. Now, let’s learn how to check the insurance history below.

What is car insurance history?

Insurance history can be said to be the car accident history. If you check the insurance history, you can get a lot of information about the vehicle. In addition to basic information about the vehicle, the information you can get includes the following:

Car usage history
Number of vehicle number/owner changes
Car insurance special accident history (total loss, flooding, theft)
Accident total amount
Insurance accident history (damage to my car/damage to other cars)
Through the insurance history, you can estimate the extent of damage to the vehicle due to the accident through the record of damage to my car, damage to other cars, and insurance settlement amount. You can roughly check how much of the repair cost, including parts, labor, and painting costs, was claimed through insurance. We will explain how to check this in detail below.

However, just because there is no insurance accident history does not mean that the vehicle is accident-free. We will discuss this again below. Now, let’s look at how to check the car insurance history.

Checking the car insurance history

There are several ways to check the car insurance history online. There is a way to check without the consent of the car owner and a way to check with their consent. The difference between the two methods is that the method of checking with their consent allows you to check more detailed information about the vehicle.

First, let’s look at how to check the insurance history without the car owner’s consent.

Checking the car 365 – without the car owner’s consent
You can check the accident history without the car owner’s consent through the car 365 national portal site, ‘Car 365.’

Checking the car 365

1. Access the Car 365 site and click [Integrated History Check] in the main service.


2. If it is a vehicle registered for sale, go to [Search for sale vehicles], otherwise, click on ‘Go’ to [Search for other people’s vehicle information (owner’s consent)].

(Currently, you can search for insurance history for free only for your own vehicle and vehicles for sale, otherwise, you must pay a small fee.)

Car365 Insurance History

3. Log in. You can sign up for membership through simple authentication or mobile phone authentication.

4. After logging in, enter the vehicle number in the vehicle registration number input window and click the ‘Search’ button.

Search for vehicle number

5. A window will pop up asking you to make a payment. Check the payment method, check the items you want to search, and complete the payment.

The fee is up to 228 won per transaction.

Search for insurance history

6. After completing the fee payment, you can search the integrated history of the vehicle without the consent of the owner. As mentioned earlier, the fee is waived for your own vehicle or vehicles for sale.

<Information that can be viewed without the owner’s consent>
Basic vehicle information
Inspection history
Number of maintenance history
Number of used car condition inspections
Whether mandatory insurance is subscribed
Whether automobile tax is unpaid
History of seizure/mortgage registration
Whether scrapping certificate is issued
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport approved information

Car 365 search – Owner consent

Next, I will tell you how to view insurance history with the consent of the vehicle owner.

Here, receiving the owner’s consent means that the owner has registered here (Car Civil Complaints National Portal – Car 365) and registered his/her vehicle information to become a subject of portal disclosure. If you want to view more information about a used car, you can ask the owner to register.

Registering vehicle information

If you register vehicle information, you can check detailed information such as the estimated annual tax amount, average used car sale price, and insurance subscription information of your vehicle.

Car365 Insurance History Inquiry

If the owner of the car agrees, you can access [Other Vehicle Information Inquiry (Owner Consent)] below and make payment and inquire in the same way as described above when you do not agree.

Inquiry on Car History

Go to Car History

Next, let’s learn how to inquire about car accident history using ‘Car History’. Just like the ‘Car365’ site above, you can inquire about used car insurance history on ‘Car History’ by entering the vehicle number, simply authenticating yourself, and paying the fee. (Also available on mobile)

Inquiry on Car History

The fee is 770 won per case for up to 5 times a year, and 2,200 won per case from the 6th time.

Paid Car History

Since most people will rarely inquire more than 5 times a year, you can select the discount inquiry, authenticate yourself, and then pay. The fee may seem expensive, but there is no need to feel sorry about the fee because it is to check the insurance history to prevent greater damage.

If you enter the vehicle number, the accident history of the used car is checked as follows.

Car History Insurance History Car Accident History Check

<Information that can be checked in Car History>

General vehicle specifications
Vehicle usage history (commercial, rental car, etc.)
Total loss, theft, flooding insurance accident
Special usage history
My car damage history
Other car damage history
Owner change history
Vehicle number change history
We have looked at several ways to check the car insurance history, which is a part that must be checked when buying a used car.

What you should know is that the insurance (accident) history can only be checked if there is an insurance claim after an accident. In other words, only vehicles that are subscribed to the car insurance own vehicle damage coverage (own car insurance) can be checked.

▶ What is own car insurance?

If the accident occurred while you were not insured, or if you did not call the insurance company after the accident and settled it personally through an agreement, it will not be searched. Therefore, when purchasing a used car, you should not make a hasty decision based solely on the insurance history.

So, what should you be careful about when purchasing a used car? I will discuss this in the next post.