자동차세 조회방법 및 납부방법 How to check and pay car tax

Those who own a car must pay car tax regularly every year. Automobile tax must be paid twice a year, in June for the first half of the year and in December for the second half of the year. If you do not pay your car tax within the designated period, you will be penalized, so it is a good idea to check and pay in advance. So, in today’s post, we will look at a simple way to check and pay car tax.

자동차세 조회

자동차세 조회

Go to car tax inquiry >

Local tax information > Calculate local tax in advance > Automobile tax (ownership)



How to check car tax
Automobile tax is a national tax levied by the government to cover the costs of automobile facilities and operations, including all passenger cars, vans, and trucks. Automobile tax varies depending on the vehicle type: for passenger cars, it is levied according to engine displacement, for vans, it is levied according to the number of passengers, and for trucks, it is levied according to load capacity. So, if you want to know in advance how much you have to pay, you can easily find out by calculating in advance without logging in on the Witax website.



1) Access the Witax website.

Go to Witax homepage >

2) Enter the information (vehicle type, vehicle purpose, initial registration date, tax year, engine displacement) in the red part of the photo below.

3) Click ‘Pre-calculate tax’ in the red part of the picture below.

4) After pre-calculating the tax amount, you can check the car tax you have to pay below.


Car tax inquiry method Payment method


Car tax inquiry method Payment method


How to pay car tax

Automobile tax is generally levied in two installments: in June for the first half of the year and in December for the second half of the year. However, for light passenger cars, vans, and trucks with an annual tax amount of less than 100,000 won, the tax is levied all at once every June. A 3% surcharge will be added after the payment period, so we recommend that you be careful and pay in advance. Payment methods are also available on the Witax website. Let’s take a look.


1. Access the Witax website.

Go to Witax homepage >

2. Click on ‘Car Tax’ in the area indicated in the photo below.


Car tax inquiry method Payment method




3. Car tax payment → Click the payment button.


Car tax inquiry method Payment method




4. Proceed with logging in.

(If you use KakaoTalk, Nater, etc., you can easily log in through simple authentication.)


Car tax inquiry method Payment method




5. When the search screen shown below appears, enter the information and click the ‘Search’ button.

6. When the search results appear, click the ‘Payment’ button to pay the taxable amount.


Car tax inquiry method Payment method


Car tax inquiry method Payment method



Automobile tax taxation period and payment deadline

Automobile tax is divided into regular payment and annual payment.

The regular payment type means paying the car tax twice a year, in June in the first half of the year and in December in the second half of the year, and the annual payment type means paying the car tax in advance all at once. Applications are accepted four times a year in January, March, June, and September. Unlike regular payments, you can receive a tax deduction, so it is advantageous to pay annually if you can afford it.


Payment Type Category Payment Period Deduction Amount
Regular payment first half June 16 ~ June 30 –
Second Half December 16 ~ December 31 –
Annual payment January 16th to January 31st 6.4% of annual tax deduction
March 5.3% of annual tax deduction from March 16 to March 31
June 3.5% of annual tax deduction from June 16 to June 30
September 1.8% of annual tax deduction from September 16 to September 30

As you can see above, it is most advantageous to make annual payments in January. This is because the annual tax deduction rate decreases as the period passes.



Car tax inquiry method Payment method


Today, we learned about how to check and pay car tax in accordance with the car tax payment period in June.

It is cheapest to pay automobile tax in January in the form of annual payments, and when making regular payments, please prepare and pay in advance to avoid having to pay additional fees after the due date. I think it is a good idea to find out and understand the amount of car tax you have to pay in advance before the payment period.