자격증 종류 Find out all types of national certifications – Certification information

자격증 종류Are you curious about the types of certifications? Are you curious about what certifications are available and which one is right for you?
“Qualification” refers to the degree of acquisition of knowledge, skills, etc. required for job performance that has been evaluated or recognized according to certain standards and procedures. (Article 2 1 of the Framework Act on Qualifications)
For your own qualifications or for a second life after retirement, there are various types of certifications that are suitable for promotion at work and each individual’s situation.
Let’s find out what certifications there are in our country and which certification will be helpful to you.
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It is a qualification related to the industry and is divided into technical, functional, and service fields.
It is a popular qualification as a field of self-development among the young MZ generation these days. It is said that 81% of MZ generation office workers use it in connection with their work.
Acquiring a national technical qualification is actively used for employment, promotion, and job changes, but since it often requires qualifications such as education and experience, non-majors or those with insufficient experience often give up.
But you don’t have to worry. As times change, various types of national technical qualifications are being created, and these days, you can also meet the requirements for national technical qualifications through the Credit Bank System, so if you need it, you can meet the qualification requirements through the Credit Bank System.

There are various types of national technical certifications in addition to the table above.
In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, interest is growing in many areas such as information processing and management, 3D printers, office automation, or computer systems.
And if you are thinking about returning to farming after retirement, it would be a good idea to take interest in various areas such as agriculture, horticulture, and organic flowers.

National professional certification is a type of national qualification, and in our society, it can be considered closer to the concept of ‘license’ than ‘qualification’.
National professional certifications are tested according to the supervision and jurisdiction of government ministries, departments, and implementing agencies, and the detailed grades are often divided into level 1, level 2, and level 3.

In the case of national professional qualifications, the test types and conditions are so diverse that you need to search for the qualification you want to obtain. Also check the exam schedule.
I have linked the Qnet address below.
Human Resources Development Service of Korea website – Qnet
Among the types of certifications, the third type of private certification is registered private certification, nationally recognized certification, and business in-house certification. Some registered private certifications are recognized as much as national certifications, depending on the capabilities of the organization that operates the certification system.
In the future, many private certifications will come and go as times change and occupations change. If you wish to acquire a private certification, you must carefully review the status of certification acquisition and the implementing agency.
In the case of registered private certifications, you can think of them as self-development certifications.
If you are looking to obtain a registered private certification with the goal of finding a job as it is a qualification that is difficult to recognize when seeking employment, we recommend that you check in detail again.
National technical qualifications and nationally recognized private qualifications are often qualifications related to employment and self-development. Therefore, many people are taking up the challenge because when they obtain it, they can be recognized for their knowledge and job competency in the relevant field.
Recently, many people are taking classes through the Credit Bank System and lifelong learning portal sites from each city and province. If you have a certification that you would like to acquire, it would be a good idea to study for it through the Credit Bank System and Lifelong Learning Portal. Depending on the type of certification, you can watch lectures online or on mobile.
Do you want to include your qualifications on your resume when applying for a job? If so, you must check the public trustworthiness of the issuer. The following articles will look at each certification in detail, including the qualification test schedule.
Please refer to various certifications such as national technical certification, national professional certification, and private certification.
Electrical technician certification
Housing manager certification
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