인천공항 분실물센터 찾는방법 및 전화번호 (유실물) Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center How to find and phone number (Lost and Found)

Incheon Airport is actively operating in Korea, and because it is an airport, it has established itself as an airport where many people come and go.

인천공항 분실물센터

인천공항 분실물센터

If you visit Incheon Airport and lose your cell phone or your favorite valuables, you can visit the Lost and Found Center to retrieve your lost item.

Therefore, today we will learn in detail about how to find the Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center and the phone number (lost and found).

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Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center

Let’s learn how to find lost items at the Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center. The Incheon International Airport Lost and Found Center is a facility for processing various lost and found items that occur when using the airport. It is currently operated by the Airport Corporation.

To find lost and found items, you can search for found items at Lost 112. You can search for found items by entering the classification name, period, name of found item, storage location, reception classification, and local management number of the place of acquisition.

To check lost items at Incheon Airport, select the acquisition area and then select the airport as the pickup location.

Once all selections have been made, the storage location will only be displayed at Incheon International Airport, so you can check information on many items here.

The search results display the management number, name of the found item, name of the person who lost it, storage location, contact information, and person who picked it up.

If you want to check the lost and found item in more detail, select the name of the found item and you can check the lost item in more detail.

Then, you can check the image of the lost item and find out the detailed route and any special information. After checking the phone number for the storage location contact number, you can call that number to find the lost item.

✅ Quick cleanup

Please access the Lost112 homepage.
Please select the found item search menu in found items.
In the detailed view of the acquired item, select Incheon as the acquisition area and select the airport as the acquisition location.
Please click the search button and check the search results below.
Use Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center (Confirm)
Customer service phone number

If you would like to inquire about information regarding lost items, please call the contact number in the search results below to obtain information regarding lost items.

There are two ways to check archived contact information: from search results or by clicking View Details.

If you want to conduct business at another police complaint call center, you can call 182 (paid) without an area code.

Quick summary

If you would like to inquire about the search results, please call the Life Order Department at 02-3150-3578.

Operating hours: 09:00~18:00 / Lunch time: 12:00~13:00