이미지 파일 용량 줄이기 방법 Paint photo size reduction, ultra-simple image (JPG) size reduction support site~!

이미지 파일 용량 줄이기 방법In this day and age, there are many things that are processed by uploading, attaching, and submitting documents through the Internet.
In real life, when claiming insurance premiums or applying for government support
Depending on the case, if you upload as a Hangul file, Excel file, or PDF, we will comply with the privacy policy.
File attachment does not work.

In this case, take a picture or scan it and attach it as an image file such as JPG or PNG.

When uploading attachments on the Internet, if personal information is requested to be deleted according to the privacy policy
Even if masking is done, text can be read, so in this case, you must upload it as an image file.

When you take a picture or scan it, the file size is large and large by default.
Even if you take a picture with a mobile phone, the file size is very large when using the default mobile phone settings.

In that case, I will tell you how to reduce the image file in two steps.

1. Open Paint on your computer and drag and drop the image.
Or click File at the top left > Open > Select Image

2. Click Resizing at the top > Shrink the image file by entering the resizing percentage or pixels selection
It’s easier to do it as a percentage unless it’s important to fit the size exactly.

Looking at the bottom of the loaded image, it is confirmed that the size is 1920 x 1280 px and the capacity is 534.3 KB.
I showed it as a test, so I entered it as a percentage of 40 and reduced it.

Size 768 x 512 px, capacity reduced by 167.1 KB.

I explained how to reduce it with a drawing board.
Even if you reduce it only with Paint, you can see that the capacity is drastically reduced by 534 → 167.
If you reduce the picture size pixels with Paint, the capacity is also reduced, so even if you do this, file attachments are tolerable.
It will all work out without a hitch.
However, if you need to upload multiple files, if you need to reduce the capacity further
You can reduce it to Paint and use a site that reduces the capacity while maintaining almost the same quality as the original.

Those who want to edit photos and images in more detail than Paint
There is a post introducing PhotoScape that can be used for free, so click the link at the bottom to refer to that post.

There are two sites to introduce.
It is also very simple and convenient to use.

TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency
Make your website faster and save bandwidth. TinyPNG optimizes your PNG images by 50-80% while preserving full transparency!

I use this site.
I will link below to a site called Image Presso, but it seems to be faster and with fewer errors than there.

You just need to access the site and drag and drop the image file where it says drop the file below.
Then, it will automatically reduce the image file.

1. This is the previous original file capacity size.
2. The reduced image file size is displayed and can be downloaded.
3. If you have multiple copies, you can also download all of them instead of one by one.

Imagepresso-Free Photo/Image Size Reduction-Official Site
Photo size reduction-Imagepresso-Product introduction, customer cases, introduction cases, purchase

The way to do it is the same as the Tiny site.
If the file size is large, it often does not work well, so I recommend Tiny.
Still, if Tiny doesn’t work, you should use it, so it would be nice to know this site.

When you need to attach a file on the Internet When you need to upload an image file When it is not possible due to capacity issues
How to simply reduce file size and capacity with Paint and additionally
After modifying the image file size, we also introduced a site that reduces the file size when you need to further reduce it.

When Korean files, Excel files, and PDF files cannot be attached due to the privacy policy
You have to upload it as a JPG file, and even if you mask it, you can read the text, so I recommend using that method.

And if you try to do it as an image, you may need to capture it on your computer.
Please note that there is a post related to capture.

Free capture program scrolling screen, let’s install 4 ways (Windows 10)
Free capture program scrolling screen, let’s install 4 ways (Windows 10)
When using a computer, there are cases where you take a screen capture. People who blog like me always do a lot of capturing. After capturing an image to show in this post I am writing now, this

If you want to edit images in more detail than Paint,

(Highly recommended) If you don’t have Photoshop, let’s edit images with the free download and installation of Photoscape
(Highly recommended) If you don’t have Photoshop, let’s edit images with the free download and installation of Photoscape
PhotoScape is a free photo and image editing program that allows you to easily enhance, correct, and edit images such as photos. If you are an ordinary person who does not work professionally in graphics

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이미지 파일 용량 줄이기 방법

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