운송장번호 모를때 How to search courier / Search by phone number / Search without knowing the courier’s invoice number

There are times when you are waiting for a parcel and wonder where it is coming from and when it will arrive. Today, I’m going to tell you three ways to look up the courier. How to search by entering the courier company and invoice number, how to look up the courier company’s customer center phone number, how to look up the courier by phone number even if you don’t know the courier company and invoice number, and how to look up the invoice number by phone number I’ll let you know as well. 운송장번호 모를때

운송장번호 모를때

Courier inquiry/by phone number-automatic inquiry
Courier inquiry/automatic inquiry by phone number 비지니스헬퍼

Many people will be using more courier than before Corona 19. Even if there is a product you actually need, you may not have time to visit the store and shop in person, or you may be reluctant to visit, or you may find more products online regardless of space or distance. Or, as the frequency of meeting between family members or acquaintances living apart is reduced, necessary items are sent by courier.


These days, the courier arrives in a day or two, but there are cases where delivery is delayed for one reason or another, so there is a case of courier inquiry. The content that can be known through the courier inquiry is the departure date and travel route of the product, the current location and delivery status, and detailed information of the courier driver is provided.


1. Courier delivery inquiry – When you know the courier and invoice number

▶ 1-1. The fastest way – portal site search
The fastest and easiest way to inquire about courier delivery while knowing the courier company and invoice number is to check it directly in the search bar of portal sites such as Daum and Naver.


Courier inquiry method
Courier inquiry method

The courier inquiry method is simple.


1. Let’s do it in the next portal. Naver is the same way. Search by entering ‘courier tracking’ or ‘courier delivery tracking’ or ‘delivery tracking’ in the search bar.


2. Click ‘Please select a courier’.


There are quite a lot of courier types that can be searched, so select the courier you want to inquire about.


Domestic courier and overseas courier can be inquired.

In addition to regular courier, convenience store half-price courier service is also available.

For GS25 half-price delivery, select GS Postbox delivery, and for CU half-price delivery, you can check with CU convenience store delivery.

Looking at the list, there are also courier companies that I have never seen before.


These are couriers that can track delivery. (CJ Logistics, Rosen Courier, Lotte Courier, Post Office Courier, Hanjin Courier, GS Postbox Courier (CVSnet convenience store courier), Kyungdong Courier, Chunil Courier, Ilyang Logis, Joint Courier, EMS, DHL, Fedex, UPS, USPS, i -Parcel, GSMNtoN, Good to Luck, Hanui Sarang Express, Kunyoung Express, TNT Express, Airboy Express, DHL eCommerce, LX Pantos, APEX (ECMS Express), Daishin Express, K-Honam Express, GSI Express, SLX Express, CUpost ( CU convenience store courier), Sebang, Woori Oriental courier, Qrun courier, Homepick courier, Handex)


3. Enter only numbers without ‘-‘ in the middle of the invoice number in the ‘Please enter an invoice number’ field.


4. Click ‘Courier Inquiry’.


Courier inquiry result
Courier inquiry result
After clicking on courier inquiry


The first line tells you the delivery status and current location.


In the lower row, the delivery process from pick-up to current status is shown in reverse chronological order.

(date/time, current location, delivery status)


The content displayed in the courier delivery inquiry is displayed by receiving information from ‘Smart Courier’.

Therefore, information may appear slightly later than the information on the homepage of the courier company.



Go to courier delivery inquiry click!!



▶ 1-2. The courier’s website

You can also check directly through the homepage of the courier company.


Enter ‘oo courier + delivery inquiry’ or ‘oo courier + delivery inquiry’ in the search bar.

If you enter ‘CJ Logistics Courier Inquiry’, the homepage address will appear.


1. You can also search by clicking the homepage and entering the invoice number within the site.

There is usually no difference from what you searched in the search box, but there are cases where additional information is found on the homepage.


2. To view the results provided by ‘Smart Courier’, the inquiry window shown above appears right below, so you can also enter only the invoice number.



courier inquiry



Korea Express Homepage/ Track delivery go




Post office homepage -Delivery inquiry go




Hanjin Express Homepage – Delivery inquiry go

Lotte Courier Homepage -Delivery inquiry go

Rosen Courier Homepage-Delivery inquiry go




GS25 regular/half price courier inquirygo




CU convenience store general/half price delivery inquiry go



▶ 1-3 Contact the courier service center

Delivery delays or delivery accidents sometimes occur during delivery. If you need to call the counselor directly to inquire and ask for something, it is better to use the customer center. However, for ARS calls, there are cases where there is a delay in connecting to an agent or a bot answers these days. Even so, there are days when you make a phone call in a frustrated mind and the psychological weight is added, so it is better to be equipped with patience in advance to receive inquiries and guidance.


CJ Logistics Customer Center 1588-1255

Lotte Courier (Hyundai Parcel) Customer Center 1588-2121

Rosen Express Customer Center 1588-9988

Hanjin Express Customer Center 1588-0011

Kyungdong Express Customer Center 1899-5368

Post office courier service center 1588-1300

Convenience store delivery customer center 1577-1287

GS Half Price Courier Customer Center 1544-4101

(GS25 convenience store headquarters customer center 1644-5425)

Joint Courier Service Center 1899-3392

KGB Courier Customer Center 1877-0888

Ilyang Logis Customer Center 1588-0002


It is available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays / until 1:00 pm on Saturdays.


2. Courier delivery inquiry – automatic inquiry by phone number
If you do not know the courier or invoice number


If you know the courier and invoice number like this, you can search right away, but there are times when there is a courier that will come to me, but you don’t know which courier it will come from or you don’t know the invoice number.

When you order a product from a shopping mall, an invoice number and shipping information appear in the shopping mall, but among users of multiple shopping malls, sometimes you are confused about which shopping mall you ordered from, and it may feel cumbersome to go to the place you ordered, log in, and check information. There will be.


In this case, there is a way to check the courier that will come to me right on one page.


1. Woori Bank ‘Woori WON Banking Application’ My Courier Service

2. Logi site or courier finder app

<Logi> is a delivery portal service site, and <Courier Finder> is the official application of Logi.i.


Let’s look at the two services in turn.

The ‘My Courier’ service, newly introduced in Woori Bank’s ‘Woori WON Banking’ application, allows you to reserve and pay for a courier to be sent and inquire about the courier to be received.


▶ 2-1. Our WON Banking My Courier Service
(Courier delivery inquiry-automatic inquiry by phone number / when you do not know the courier or invoice number)

The Woori Bank app, Woori Won Banking ‘My Courier Service’, was launched in conjunction with Fossil Media, a specialized courier platform service.

It is convenient because anyone can use it without registering as a member.


You can search by mobile phone number or invoice number when checking courier delivery.

How to track courier delivery

1. Download our WON banking app from Google Play Store or App Store.

2. Log in with your public certificate.

3. If you scroll the page on the home screen, you will see a shortcut menu at the bottom, and click ‘My Courier’ among them.



Woori Won Banking-My Courier
Woori Won Banking-My Courier

In my courier service

‘Courier delivery inquiry/home delivery reservation/convenience store delivery reservation/reservation inquiry and cancellation’

There is a menu.

Among them, click on ‘Check Courier Delivery’.


When using the ‘my Courier’ service for the first time, you must register as a user for the first time.

Click ‘Register User’.

FYI, if you want to cancel user registration at a later time,

If you look down at the bottom of my courier, there is ‘Registration/Cancellation’, and you can cancel user registration here.



My Courier – User – Registration
My courier user registration

User registration is the process of receiving mobile phone number verification.

You can view it as a procedure to check if your mobile phone number is correct because you will inquire about delivery receipts with your registered mobile phone number.

It’s like a safety measure to prevent others from looking up parcels with my cell phone number.

Therefore, when you search for a courier with a mobile phone number, you cannot search with another person’s number.


User registration is complete when you agree to collect personal information, enter your name, date of birth, gender, carrier, and mobile phone number and complete mobile phone number authentication.


From now on, if you enter the ‘we won banking’ application, log in with your accredited certificate, and click ‘My courier’ > ‘Courier delivery inquiry’, the products that have arrived right away or are being delivered are automatically searched.

It comes out automatically even if I do not enter the courier and invoice number.

Among the information on the courier platform, the list of items matching the mobile number you have verified is searched.




Courier, invoice number – even without – courier inquiry
Delivery inquiry without courier or invoice number

<Auto Inquiry>

In my case, four cases were automatically viewed.

Korea Express, Hanjin, and Rosen’s delivered products are shown.

These are the items I received.

If there are items in transit, they will appear together in the list.

The courier and invoice number are searched, so if you want to know the invoice number only by phone number, you can check it like this.


The automatic search target shows only the contents that match the name and phone number registered in the my courier service, so even if the product is to be delivered to you, it will not be searched if the recipient information is other people’s information or if a safety number is used.


The automatic inquiry period is provided only for new shipments within 3 days.

(actually i am in october