오케이캐쉬백 사용처 Information on where to use OK Cashbag/Merchant/Point Expiration Date

오케이캐쉬백 사용처OK Cashbag points are valid for 5 years from the date of last use (accumulation and use) of the Cashback service.

If there is no usage record for 5 years after the last accumulation/use, the points will automatically expire after 5 years. However, if the card service user does not accumulate/use points for 24 months, the use of points is suspended (accumulation is possible), and the accumulated points automatically expire after 36 months.

OK Cashbag points can be used at locations and affiliated stores that can be largely divided into offline stores and online stores, and are notified through the website.

In the case of offline stores, 50,000 affiliates nationwide, including large affiliates such as Homeplus and TGI Fridays, are affiliated. Points can be used online at about 100 various affiliates, including shopping, web hard, beauty, food, and travel. do.

Among the places where OK Cashbag is used, in the case of online shopping, Post Office Shopping / G Market / Interpark / Alpha Mall / SK Stoa / Gyeonggi Cyber ​​Market / Home & Shopping / 11th Street are listed as partners.

Use OK Cashbag points at nsmall/Auction/Lotte i Mall/Shinsegae Mall/Homeplus/Lotte.com/GS SHOP/Hmall/Public Home Shopping/Bullsone/SSG/Inda Style/Gtreat/500m/Bagman/Acstore/Pancot, etc. this is possible.

▣ Access the OK Cashback website

To check where OK Cashbag is used/merchant, first access the OK Cashbag official website (www.okcashbag.com).

The OK Cashback official website can be searched by keyword on portals such as Naver, Daum, and Google. You do not need to sign up for membership and log in to check where you use it and affiliate stores.

▣ Click the [Guide to Use] link

After accessing the homepage, click the [User Information] item located in the upper right corner.

▣ Select the type of OK Cashbag usage

If you have moved to the page, scroll down the screen and select the type of OK Cashbag usage you want to check, either offline or online, in the ‘OK Cashbag Merchant’ category.

▣ Check where OK Cashbag is used

Offline OK Cashbag usage information is provided by region. If you click the [Region Change] button, you can select a region and a detailed region.

Online, a platform is provided so that OK Cashbag usage information can be searched by dividing it into 16 areas, including shopping/web hard/media/social commerce. A search service by directly entering the affiliate name is also provided.

오케이캐쉬백 사용처
