예스24 크레마클럽 해지 Monthly book subscription service [yes24 book club vs. Millie’s library], if you are a yes user, do a book club!

I bought an e-book reader a few years ago because I couldn’t afford the books that increased every time I moved. In order to save the cost of purchasing a book + being able to read it at night with the lights off, I was attracted to these two things and bought Crema… I didn’t use it for two months and disposed of it as used. 예스24 크레마클럽 해지

예스24 크레마클럽 해지

After buying it, I was a person who didn’t fit in with e-books. It was uncomfortable to read while drawing lines and taking notes, and I just liked the atmosphere and texture unique to paper books. So, I borrowed and bought e-books at Ebukdae, but at the same time, I still bought paper books (?), so the money was doubled. ! did.

However, when I bought the iPad Pro this time, I became interested in e-books again. Still, the speed of reading books can’t keep up with the speed of buying books.. I thought I’d save some money and use the electronic library. However, using the university library where I graduated or the local library was more troublesome than I thought, and I hated having to wait for popular books, so I decided to try the monthly book subscription service, which is free for the first month.


And as a result of looking hard for about two days, comparing and thinking about it, we decided on yes24 book club! There are many blog posts that compare and explain the number of e-books owned by the yes book club, Lydie, Millie’s library, and Kyobo’s usage fee, features, and app UX, so I pass here and only record the reasons why I chose the yes book club.


The three reasons are:
1. There are many books I want to read (economy/business/self-development books)
2. yes use mania benefits
3. Jackpot yes book club money…

1. There are many books I want to read
I didn’t search and compare a lot of books individually, but strangely, none of the books I was searching for because I wanted to see them were in Millie’s library…

millie’s library




There is no famous bestseller <Miracle Morning>,






It’s a very famous book about vegetarianism called <The Immutable Law of Diet>, but it’s not there. But yes24 book club had them all!

2. If you are a yes mania, book club benefits
In the meantime, every time I log in, the book club benefits given to maniacs appear as a pop-up, which is very annoying. Every time I read it, I was dissatisfied with ‘Oh, I don’t need an e-book ㅡㅡ I’ll give you some other benefits.’


Yes24 book club maniacs are given a free pass for 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, that is, from 2 to 4 months.


Like Lydy and Milly, yes24 also offers free use for the first month if you sign up for the book club, but it is extended as a mania benefit, so you can save as little as 10,000 won and as much as more than 30,000 won. (Of course, this does not apply to those who use other sites instead of yes as an online bookstore.)


I’ve been a Platinum member for several years, and I’ve been really dissatisfied with yes’s mania benefits. (Yes, if you’re a maniac, you’ll know..) But this is the first time.. haha I felt like I was receiving benefits properly because I was a maniac… Maybe it’s because this is a first-come, first-served basis, but I was disappointed that I only got 90 days (3 months) free of charge even though I was a platinum holder ㅠㅠ

Anyway, if you are an existing mania member, let’s actively use the yes book club free pass! If you try it and don’t like yes, you can use it as much as the free period and cancel it!

3. Monthly book club money 4,500 won?!!!!!! really???
The biggest reason for choosing yes!!! It’s book club money!!!!!!


Yes There are various rate plans for book clubs as follows. If you only want to read e-books, the cheapest standard rate plan of 5,500 won is sufficient, but I chose the premium 77 rate plan.


No, they give 4,500 won book club money every month, but that’s like the existing yes money?! Then it’s just like giving cash..;;;;;;????? If you subtract 4,500 won from the 7,700 won rate plan, you actually pay 3,200 won and read unlimited e-books.

If you calculate a year’s worth, you can read unlimited e-books for 38,400 won a year, and buy paper books with 54,000 won cash support!!!!!! There’s no reason not to…

(The 99 rate plan includes music streaming, so I wanted to do this too, but the only thing that gives me book club money is the 77 plan, so I pay for the premium 77 right away! For free (It’s free, but 4,500 won for 3 months is accumulated, so 13,500 won profit….. wow…)

Of course, as many say, there are also disadvantages of yes24 book club.

The number of e-books you own is (probably) the smallest, (Kyobo>Mili>Lidi>yes Book Club)


Poor interface (highlights cut off when they go over pages, etc.)


First of all, Apple iOS is not supported.

I read e-books on my iPad Pro, but I can’t search, purchase, or use the book club service in the yes app. You must use it on a PC or Safari web.



But, in fact, there is nothing to be uncomfortable about. If you access the book club in Safari and put the books you need and open them using the yes viewer, they are piled up in my library, so even if iOS is not supported, I don’t really care.


And these days, the books I’m looking for are mostly humanities and self-development rather than literature.

Just being able to read the book you’re curious about right away as an e-book, and being able to read the book comfortably without consumption is important in itself. Interface.. I wonder if such small functions as reading and highlighting are very important. Personally, it doesn’t seem to matter as long as the basic function of ‘e-book’ is fulfilled… (However, this may be because I am not a heavy user of e-books yet, so I am not sensitive.)

And, of course, there are many cases where there are no books I want to read in the yes book club.
It is also because they do not have e-books, and some books do not come out as e-books, so even if you want to read them as e-books, there are cases where it is not possible!


I searched for a novel called <P.O. Box 110 Mail>, but it was not in the book club, so I thought it might not exist, but it was not in Millie and was nowhere to be found, so I just searched for yes24 as if I were buying a book.


There is no e-book information at all! If you just want to see this, you have to buy a paper book and read it.. There are more books like this than I thought hahaha


How to use the yes24 book club
After choosing the plan that suits you, joining the book club and paying for the plan (first month free! You can cancel at any time!), yes Download the ebook viewer and access the book club! Search for a book you want to read, add it to my book club, download it, and read it in the viewer!

People wondering where to go…
In fact, all of the representative book subscription service platforms offer a free service for the first month, so it’s best to use it yourself before choosing. You can cancel it according to the date to prevent automatic payment, so those who want to use monthly e-books can use them at the same time, find all the books they want to read, and use all the viewers separately!


However, if you are like me who prefers being able to save money rather than the difference in detailed residual functions, and if you are already using yes (even if you are not a maniac, you can earn book club money!) Yes 24 Book Club Premium 77 rate plan rather than other places I recommend you 🙂
Anyway, Millie, Lydie, Kyobo, etc. are more expensive than yes, and there is no option to select a rate plan.


Hahahaha I hope this article is helpful for readers who are wandering around looking for a subscription service! Everyone read a lot of books and be happy🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️