연금복권 실수령액 Pension lottery actual payment amount, 1st and 2nd place winning amounts information (how to win 1st place twice)

연금복권 실수령액HootGoon’s Life

Let’s take a look at the actual pension amount information. In addition, we will find out how much the first and second prize winnings are.
The name of the old pension lottery was Pension Lottery 520. Then, when it became too unpopular, Pension Lottery 720 was re-released with a few changes.
What has changed is that the winning amount has been increased and online purchases have also been made possible. Now, let’s take a look below to see how much the winning amount has increased so that more people are looking for the pension lottery.
The pension lottery is literally a lottery that pays the winnings in an annuity manner. In the case of lotto, where you can receive a large winning prize at once, there are problems such as winners squandering all their money, which is why the pension lottery was launched.
Pension lottery tickets can be purchased offline (lottery stores) and online (companion lottery site). It costs 1,000 won per sheet.
The pension lottery consists of groups + numbers. Groups range from 1 to 5, and the numbers are made up of 6.
This is the winning amount of the pension lottery.
To win 1st place, 1 digit of the group + 6 digits of the number must all match. The winning amount will be 7 million won per month for 20 years.
In each round, you can win a total of 2 tickets, 1 ticket at a retail store and 1 ticket online, but if you do not win first place, it will just be passed over without being carried over.
2nd place in the pension lottery is only different from 1st place, and 6 digits must match. There are groups 1 to 5, and since one group is in first place, the remaining four are in second place. Second place will receive 1 million won per month for 10 years.
Please refer to the table above for the winning amounts for third place and lower.
The pension lottery draw will be held on Thursday at 7pm.
First, before looking at the actual pension lottery amount, let’s look at the tax rate on lottery winning income in Korea.
Just look at the table above carefully. In the case of lotto first place, the winning amount is usually over 300 million won, so the actual amount can be calculated by subtracting 33% from the winning amount. If it is 1 billion won, the actual income is 670 million won.
Pension lotteries are easy to calculate because the winning amount is fixed each time.
If you win first place, you will receive 5.46 million won per month for 20 years, and second place will receive 780,000 won per month for 10 years. If you win first place, you will be able to immediately put into practice the investment/finance methods below.
However, if you look at the 2nd prize winning structure of the pension lottery, you will win as long as the group is different from the 1st prize. As many as four can be winners.
So, when purchasing a pension lottery, if you buy all the same numbers and only change the groups (1 to 5 groups + the same number), the moment you win the first prize, you will win all four second prizes.
In fact, if you go to a lottery store, they sell pension lottery tickets as a set. You can purchase them all with the same number (just different numbers) for 5,000 won.
If you purchase a set and win 1st place + 4 2nd places, the total winning amount is 11,000,000 won. If you calculate the actual amount, it is 8.58 million won.
If possible, it would be much more advantageous to buy a set when purchasing a pension lottery, right?
Let’s look at one more thing here. Above, 1st place has 1 online and 1 offline. (2nd place has 4 online and 4 offline).
By using this, you can create a double win x 2 in the pension lottery.
First, go to a lottery store and purchase one set. They are all 5 cards with the same number, just different numbers. With this number, go to the Donghaeng Lottery website and purchase a pension lottery ticket online. First, with the same numbers as the lottery ticket you bought as a set.
In this case, if the 1st prize winner wins both online and offline, as many as 8 2nd prize prizes will be won. The winning amount is 22,000,000 won, and the actual payout is 17.16 million won.
What’s even more surprising is that a case of actually winning using this method came out recently.
✅ Check Spito 2000 delivery rate, actual winning amount, and purchase method
✅ Check the Spito 1000 winnings actual amount, purchase method, and delivery rate
✅ Check the actual Spito 500 winnings, retail stores, and delivery rate
Above, we learned about the actual amount received from the pension lottery. I think it’s okay as long as you don’t get too caught up in the lottery and do it in moderation.
If I win the pension lottery, I will accumulate and purchase the monthly dividend ETF JEPI with the remaining amount, excluding living expenses. I believe we can create a pipeline that will pay dividends for life.

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