엔진오일 교환주기 및 비용 Engine oil change cycle and cost

The engine oil change cycle is an important maintenance task that is directly related to the health of your car engine. Here we will explain the engine oil change cycle in detail.

엔진오일 교환주기

엔진오일 교환주기


Engine oil change cycle


1. Basic change interval: For most modern cars, it is recommended to change engine oil every 5,000 to 10,000 km. However, this cycle may vary depending on the vehicle model, type of oil used, and driving environment.



2. Vehicle manufacturer recommendation: Each vehicle manufacturer provides the optimal engine oil change interval for its model. We recommend that you check the user manual or refer to the manufacturer’s website for accurate information.



Engine oil change cycle

3. Differences depending on the type of oil: Synthetic oil can last longer than regular mineral oil. If you use synthetic oil, change intervals may take longer.



4. Impact of driving environment: If you drive frequently in heavy traffic or short distances, your engine oil may become contaminated more quickly. This ‘continuous short distance driving’ can shorten the oil change interval.


5. Importance of periodic inspection: It is recommended to check the condition of engine oil regularly. If the oil is excessively dark or contaminated, it is recommended to change it earlier than the scheduled change cycle.


Engine oil change cycle


6. Condition of the engine: In older or troubled engines, the oil may become contaminated more quickly. In these cases, more frequent oil change intervals may be required.



7. Seasonal effects: Engine oil may become thicker in cold seasons and thinner in hot seasons. It is important to consider the appropriate oil change interval depending on your climate.



8. Warning lights and messages: Newer cars notify you through warning lights or messages on the dashboard when it is time to change engine oil. Don’t ignore these notifications.



Engine oil change cycle

How to make your car last longer


1. Stable driving: When starting the vehicle for the first time, drive gently until the engine is sufficiently warmed up. Driving at high speeds with a cold engine may cause the oil to not circulate properly, which may accelerate engine wear.



2. Maintain a constant speed: When driving on the highway, maintain a constant speed as much as possible. If the engine load is kept constant, oil wear and contamination can be minimized.



Engine oil change cycle

3. Avoid rapid acceleration and sudden stops: Rapid acceleration and sudden stops can place unnecessary stress on the engine and accelerate oil wear. It is recommended to accelerate as gently as possible and decelerate gradually.



4. Avoid continuously driving short distances: Frequent driving over short distances can cause engine oil to not circulate properly and become contaminated. If possible, it is better to drive long distances at once rather than consecutive short distances.



5. Use appropriate gears: For manual transmissions, use appropriate gears to avoid raising the engine’s RPM (revolutions per minute) too high. Even with automatic transmissions, it is recommended to limit the use of high-performance modes such as sport mode to avoid excessive engine load.



Engine oil change cycle

6. Prevent engine overheating: Be careful not to overheat the engine. Engine overheating can cause oil to deteriorate and cause engine damage.


7. Regular inspection and maintenance: Check engine oil level and condition regularly and refill or replace if necessary. It is also recommended that the oil filter be replaced regularly.


8. Environmentally friendly driving: Practicing environmentally friendly driving to reduce smoke and exhaust gases will also extend the life of engine oil. For example, you may want to avoid high-traffic areas, reduce unnecessary idling, and adopt fuel-efficient driving practices.


Engine oil change cycle

9. Maintain appropriate temperature: In winter, preheat the vehicle sufficiently to ensure engine oil is properly lubricated, and in summer, be careful not to overheat the engine. Since the viscosity of engine oil may change with temperature changes, you may also consider using oil appropriate for the season.



10. Smooth acceleration and deceleration: It is important to accelerate and decelerate smoothly so as not to place unnecessary strain on the engine. Sudden changes in speed can accelerate wear of engine parts and shorten the life of the oil.



Engine oil change cycle

Maintaining these driving habits can promote efficient use of engine oil and extend engine life.