어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

6 Ways to Find Fines for Speeding Violations in Children’s Zones | time | Penalties | error | 30 km speed limit | 40 km speed limit | Signal Violation Criteria | Let’s take a look at the inquiry homepage.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Looking at the behavioral characteristics of children, their eyesight is limited due to their low eye level, and their ability to cope with traffic accidents is reduced due to their slow response to sounds.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반

This is because fines and fines imposed for speeding violations are substantial, and related road traffic laws have also been strengthened.


It is better to find out what kind of disadvantages you will receive when speeding in a child protection zone and pay attention

Speeding in children’s zones
A children’s protection area, called a school zone, refers to a protection area within 300m of an elementary school or kindergarten entrance to protect children under the age of 13.


The speed limit in the children’s zone is 30 km/h, and the speed limit applies from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. After this, follow the rules of general roads.

Fines and penalty points for speeding violations
For speeding violations in child protection zones, fines, fines, and penalty points are imposed differently depending on how much more than the standard speed limit is exceeded and the type of vehicle.





In the case of a fine, it is imposed on a vehicle, and it is usually detected by a fixed or mobile camera.


In the case of a fine, it is a case detected by a police officer and has the nature of being imposed on the driver, and although a fine is smaller than a fine, caution is required because demerit points are applied.

Classification Penalty (ride/share) Penalty (passenger/share) Penalties
70,000 won / 70,000 won 60,000 won / 60,000 won 15 points for speeds below 20 km/h
Over 20 km/h – 40 km/h
100,000 won / 110,000 won 90,000 won / 100,000 won 30 points
Over 40 km/h – 60 km/h
130,000 won / 140,000 won 120,000 won / 130,000 won 60 points
Over 60km/h 160,000 won / 170,000 won 150,000 won / 160,000 won 120 points
Criteria for fine reduction
Criteria for mitigating fines for child protection zones: Limited to cases where the excess speed is 20 km/h or less than the speed limit
Usually, fines are reduced by 20% if you use the first payment period. Don’t do it In the case of children’s protection zones, only if the excess speed is within 20 km/h of the speed limit is subject to reduction.


In other words, if the speed limit is 30 km/h, you will be subject to mitigation only if you are caught driving at 50 km/h.

Speed Violation Permissible Range and Error


If the road speed limit is 30 km, up to 39 km, which does not exceed 40 km, is considered an acceptable range and may not be detected. This is often referred to as the speed limit.


Usually, it is measured with a camera and there is an instantaneous speed of the vehicle.


The speed limit is 30 km, but from 31 to 39 is considered an error tolerance and may be excluded from detection. However, since this is not absolute, it is better to view it as an absolute number and comply with the speed limit rather than passing by thinking that this amount will be okay.


We looked at the time standards for speeding violations in child protection zones, fines and fines for each exceeding speed, and the extent to which the violation speed is allowed. Since speed violation cameras are evolving day by day and cannot be absolute, it is better to be careful not to incur fines or fines by complying with the regulated speed and standards. Especially on weekends when there is a lot of vehicle movement, you need to be extra careful.