쌀벌레 퇴치 From rice bug extermination to prevention, ‘this’ is all you need!

쌀벌레 퇴치What if you take rice out of the rice container and there are rice bugs in it?
Rice bugs are common in Korea, where rice is the staple food.
It is especially polar in hot and humid summer.
Not only is it an eyesore;
Because it destroys the nutrition of rice.
It must be eradicated.
So today, from rice bug extermination to prevention.
I’ll introduce you to a great tip that can solve the problem in one go^^

If you see one or two rice bugs in the rice,
This is proof that there are already quite a few rice bugs in there.
Fortunately, our rice is still good.

This is a photo I took a while ago at my in-laws’ house.
Put it in a jar
Even if stored in a cool place
Looks like a rice bug…

You can even see real rice bugs,
Can you see the miscellaneous grains clumping together in the middle?
If you see rice or other grains clumping together like this,
They say it’s a sign of rice bugs.

If so, rice bugs have already appeared.
When you see signs of happening
How do I solve this?!

The secret is ethanol for disinfection!
With this one, you can go from getting rid of rice bugs to preventing them.
It can be solved in one go.

Of course, the method is very simple ^^

Put 2-3 cotton pads in a paper cup.
Pour ethanol for disinfection
All you have to do is moisten it sufficiently.

For reference, you can use soju instead of ethanol for disinfection.
In the case of soju, the alcohol content is
They say it needs to be over 30% to be effective.

After flattening the rice
Paper cup containing ethanol cotton for disinfection
Place it in the middle of the rice.

Ethanol for disinfection is highly volatile.
Even if it seems like it smells at first
You don’t have to worry because it flies away quickly!

If you leave it like this for about 5 days,
Of course, getting rid of rice bugs
Even larvae can be removed.
When the disinfecting ethanol dries out,
Just pour a little more.

After exterminating rice bugs with disinfecting ethanol
If you want to prevent rice bugs in a simpler way,
Try using red pepper.

The capsaicin content of peppers
Prevents rice bugs and other pests.

I put the peperoncino in a bag.
I put it in the rice container^^

There is also a way to use garlic instead of pepper.
Garlic without peeling
Don’t forget that it must be whole garlic.

Rice bugs are treated with disinfectant ethanol,
If possible, keep refrigerated in summer.
No need to worry about rice bugs^^

From rice bug eradication to prevention
It was a great tip to solve the problem in one go with disinfecting ethanol.

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