신용정보 조회 이력 Credit inquiry history: An easy way to check anytime, anywhere

Check your dragon information history, now easily and conveniently!
1. The importance of checking credit information history

Credit information history is like a personal economic report card that sho ws our economic activity records. It is used as important reference material when banks and financial institutions review the issuance of loans or credit cards, so regular checks are required to understand and manage your credit situation.

2. Past hassle vs present convenience 신용정보 조회 이력

2.1 Past:

신용정보 조회 이력

Visit: Visit a financial institution or send by mail 이베이스매뉴얼
Cost: Fee incurred
Inconvenience: cumbersome procedure
2.2 Current:

Online: Use simple authentication or public certificate
Time: Available anytime, anywhere, 24 hours a day
Cost: Free once every 4 months (Financial Supervisory Service electronic civil service)
Convenient: simple and fast procedure
3. Comparison of methods for checking credit information history

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Financial Supervisory Service electronic civil service: Free once every 4 months; simple authentication or public certificate available; identity verification process cumbersome; provision of detailed information limited
Detailed information can be provided when visiting a financial institution. Fees may apply, visit and waiting time may be required.
Fees incurred for providing various information using credit inquiry companies
4. Tips for checking credit information history

Regular check: Check at least once every 4 months
Check for abnormalities: Beware of unfamiliar organizations/companies and frequent inquiries.
Quick response when problems arise: report and secure evidence
5. Checking your credit information history, an easier way

Simple authentication: Mobile phone authentication, easy confirmation without a public certificate
Smartphone app: Financial Supervisory Service Fine app, financial institution app
Chatbot: Use the Financial Supervisory Service’s Fine Chatbot
6. Key confirmation items and interpretation

Purpose of inquiry: Individual, financial institution, other
Inquiry agency: financial institution, credit inquiry company, other agency
View Date: Date and time
View Frequency: Number of views within a certain period of time
Analysis of inquiry organizations: Confirmation of concentrated inquiries from specific institutions
7. Criteria for determining abnormality

Inquiry history that you did not apply for
Inquiry history from unknown organizations/companies
Intensive inquiry at short time intervals
Frequent views
8. How to respond when a problem occurs

Report to Financial Supervisory Service electronic complaint or credit inquiry company
Evidence needs to be secured when reporting damage from credit information theft
Report to police station: When damages occur
Legal advice: In case of serious damage
9. Credit information management tips

Pay attention to personal information protection: Login information and password management
Fraud Prevention: Beware of Suspicious Texts and Emails
Regular credit information history check: Check for any abnormalities
Preventing damage from credit information theft: Safe financial transaction habits
Improving credit information: Efforts to manage credit situation