소액생계비대출 추가대출 Press release – Committee News – Notification field – financial committee

소액생계비대출 추가대출The Financial Services Commission and the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency announced that they had provided a total of KRW 91.5 billion (as of March 27 to December 15) to 132,000 people through the small living expenses loan launched on March 27, 2023 (Monday).
  More specifically, out of the total loans of 157,260, there were 103,284 loans of 500,000 won, 28,387 loans of more than 500,000 won with proof of the source of funds, and the average loan amount was 580,000 won. In addition to the initial loan, loans were given to patients who had faithfully repaid for more than 6 months. 25,589 additional loans were made to Korea.

【Status of small living expenses loan support (unit: cases)】 
Total number of loans
Loan amount
Total amount of support
first loan
Additional loans*
500,000 won
Exceeding 500,000 won
Cumulative total
580,000 won
91.5 billion won
* Additional loan support of up to 500,000 won for users who have faithfully repaid the initial loan for more than 6 months (from October 4, 23)
  In order to receive a loan, the small living expenses loan first requires the applicant to receive complex counseling according to his or her situation. This goes beyond simply providing financial support and fundamentally improves the applicant’s difficulties to support economic self-sufficiency.

  Over a period of about 9 months, the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency provided 162,390 complex consultations (as of March 27 to December 15) to applicants for small living expenses loans, including welfare linkage, employment support, finding dormant deposits, debt adjustment linkage, and information on the debtor’s representative system.

【Complex counseling support status (unit: cases)】 
debt restructuring
Welfare connection
Employment support
Dormant deposit
Report of non-payment of money
Cumulative total
  For example, a person who visited the Microfinance Integration Support Center due to lack of living expenses after undergoing knee joint surgery while working in the kitchen was informed of the local government’s welfare system that could be used.
  College students who have incurred delinquency while covering living expenses through part-time jobs and loans are guided through the Credit Recovery Committee’s debt adjustment system to help them find a solution to their delinquency.
  For those who are daily workers and wish to find a stable job due to difficulties in getting a loan from financial institutions, we can not only temporarily resolve difficult situations through financial support such as job search linkage, but also fundamentally improve the user’s economic life through complex counseling. There were many cases where it provided a stepping stone.

  The Financial Services Commission plans to supply small living expenses loans without disruption next year on a similar scale as this year, and announced that it plans to work with the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency and related ministries to seek ways to strengthen complex counseling to support self-reliance of microfinance users.

소액생계비대출 추가대출
