세금계산서발행방법 [One-person company Vlog] How to issue an electronic tax invoice at the National Tax Service’s Hometax / Please hang up the invoice~

세금계산서발행방법hello? This is red content.
It’s been a while since I greeted you. Today, I’m going to tell you how to issue an electronic tax invoice through the National Tax Service’s Hometax. Most business owners will basically know this, but it can be difficult for those starting a business for the first time!
I have various incomes from running a business this year, but most of them are treated as ‘individual’ and freelance income, whereas it has been a long time since I have treated them as business sales through the issuance of tax invoices. These days, most government offices handle things privately.

First, in order to issue a company-wide tax invoice, you must access the National Tax Service’s Hometax website, right? Before that, there is something you need to prepare first, and that is . In general, self-employed individuals can use most of the National Tax Service’s hometax functions with a personal public certificate, but the certificate for issuing electronic tax invoices must be downloaded for a fee (KRW 4,400).
The public certificate for electronic tax can also be downloaded from the bank’s internet banking screen. Before that, if you don’t have a business bankbook, it would be better to get one first, right? ^^

Anyway, after logging in with a public certificate, go to the menu on the main screen.

Then, the familiar billing screen will appear. Now, just enter the necessary items one by one.

1) Type: Select ‘General’ for all general businesses
2) Type of recipient: If the other party is a company, select ‘Business Registration Number’
3) Supplier: Enter the other party’s business registration number and search, then enter the business name, address, and representative name. It does not automatically enter when you look up the business registration number. And in the email,
Please enter the email address of the person in charge you usually contact. Then, an automatically issued invoice will be sent to your email address.
4) Creation date: The creation date is usually the date of publication, so you can contact the other party and ask The issuance date required according to the settlement schedule is usually
It may be different.
5) Remarks: Here you usually write what products or services were delivered.
6) Item: Enter the actual delivery date here and write the item name. Just enter it without clicking Search. In ‘Unit price’, enter the amount including VAT.
If you need to calculate VAT, click ‘Calculate’ to enter it. (See photo below)
7) Since you usually pay in cash, put the total amount in cash, select ‘claim’ this amount, and click to complete the invoice issuance.

Since the unit price is usually negotiated based on the total amount, you will probably use this menu often. When you enter the total amount, the supply price and tax amount are automatically calculated. Sometimes the total amount differs by about 1 won, in which case you must manually adjust it.

Your invoice has now been issued. When an invoice is issued, an issuance confirmation email is sent to the email addresses entered in the supplier and recipient email fields. You can check your invoice by opening the attached file directly in the email and entering your business registration number.

Today we learned how to simply issue a tax invoice. It’s been a while since I issued a tax invoice. Well, Chuseok is just around the corner. I hope all business owners do their best and have a good holiday~

thank you

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