생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Organized by age group Health checkup by life cycle
생애주기별 건강검진
A while ago, a health checkup came out on a TV show, so many people are interested.

Health check-up by life cycle is a health check-up program provided free of charge to the public by the government. Through this examination, you can identify your physical condition in advance to prevent or detect diseases at an early stage, thereby increasing the effectiveness of treatment. So who should get it?

생애주기별 건강검진


First of all, if you are over 40 years of age, you must choose between a gastroscopy or colonoscopy every two years. In addition, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is recommended every year between the ages of 54 and 66, and hepatitis B antigen and antibody tests are performed every five years from the age of 40. In addition, a bone density test is performed for women aged 66, which is an essential test for the elderly at high risk of osteoporotic fractures. In addition, people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease, as well as smokers and obese people, shorten or extend the checkup cycle, so please take note!






Among the national health checkup items, there were mandatory and optional items. What is the difference?

Mandatory items are items that must be taken literally, and optional items are items that can only be received by those who want them. For example, gastric cancer screening includes gastroenterology and gastroscopy. Both are good, but if you do not want an endoscopy, gastroscopy alone is sufficient. If you want to receive both, you can apply for each separately. The same goes for cervical cancer. However, in case of breast cancer, it is recommended that all age groups receive an ultrasound scan instead of an X-ray, so be careful!




What is the difference between gastroscopy and gastroscopy?

Gastrointestinal angiography is a method of taking radiographs after taking a drug called a contrast agent, and gastroscopy is a method of diagnosis by observing directly from the esophagus to the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, if you have symptoms of indigestion or if you suspect a disease such as gastritis or gastric ulcer, it is good to undergo a gastroscopy. On the other hand, if you do not have any symptoms, you do not need to take it. However, if you have recent symptoms of heartburn, weight loss, bloody stools, etc., it is recommended that you consult with a specialist to receive a precise diagnosis.




How is cervical cancer screening performed?

Unlike men, women undergo cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer screening is performed by inserting an instrument called a speculum to collect cervical cells. Pain may occur at this time, but it usually goes away quickly, so you don’t have to worry too much. Occasionally, if bleeding persists or is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, it is recommended to visit the hospital immediately. It is especially good to avoid testing before or after menstruation, as cervical tissue is weakened due to hormonal changes. So, if you are a woman of childbearing age, it will be more convenient if you take the test on the same day you go to the gynecologist to check whether you are pregnant or not.



The table below is
It is a recommended standard and the individual’s health condition

It may vary depending on the medical institution examination, etc.



Children (up to 12 years old)
Body measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.)
Ear, nose, throat and eye examination
oral examination
Blood tests (anemia, liver function, blood sugar, etc.)
Physical examination (heartbeat, auscultation, etc.)
eye examination
Adolescent Abnormality Checkup


Youth (13 to 18 years old)
Body measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.)
Ear, nose, throat and eye examination
oral examination
Blood tests (anemia, liver function, blood sugar, etc.)
Physical examination (heartbeat, auscultation, etc.)
eye examination
Adolescent Abnormality Checkup
Adolescent Health Survey
Survey of lifestyle habits (smoking, drinking, etc.)


Youth (19 to 29 years old)
Body measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.)
oral examination
Blood tests (liver function, blood sugar, etc.)
Physical examination (heartbeat, auscultation, etc.)
eye examination
STD test
pulmonary tuberculosis test
health survey



Middle-aged (30 to 49 years old)
Body measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.)
oral examination
Blood tests (liver function, blood sugar, blood lipids, etc.)
Physical examination (heartbeat, auscultation, etc.)
eye examination
STD test
pulmonary tuberculosis test
Colorectal cancer screening (mutation abnormalities, colonoscopy, etc.)
breast cancer screening
cervical cancer screening
thyroid function test
health survey


Seniors (50 to 64 years old)
Body measurements (height, weight, blood pressure, etc.)
oral examination
Blood tests (liver function, blood sugar)