비상금 대출 중복 Is it possible to duplicate emergency fund loans? Summary of questions

비상금 대출 중복When you are in a hurry, you may have heard that it is surprisingly easy and fast to get a small emergency fund loan through a first-tier financial institution. It is also possible to receive multiple loans such as Woori Bank Wibee Bank or Kakao Emergency Fund Loan.

For example, if you have received 3 million won in emergency funds from Woori Bank, you can receive an additional 3 million won through an emergency fund loan from Kakao Bank. If your credit score is high and you have a consistent credit card usage history and there are no delinquent credit card payments, you can get a loan from other sources. In fact, it was possible to use the Kakao emergency fund loan and the Nonghyup All One emergency fund loan in duplicate, as long as the conditions are met. .

However, there are cases where duplication of emergency funds is not possible. When you receive an emergency fund loan of 3 million won from Hana Bank and try to apply for an emergency fund loan from Kakao Bank, you will see the message ‘Customers who are using Seoul Guarantee Insurance’s emergency fund loan cannot apply.’ This is because most emergency fund loans have a guarantee issued by guarantee insurance. Since you can receive it, if you are already using it, you must have the limit remaining to proceed. If a message appears saying that multiple applications cannot be submitted, the application may be rejected.

And it is rather impossible to be reviewed for Woori Bank emergency fund loan, Cider Bank emergency fund loan, and BNK beginner loan at the same time. If you get one first, the remaining loan terms may change, so we recommend that you proceed with the products you want sequentially. (Cannot be processed simultaneously) It is possible to receive multiple loan products from each bank or financial company, but it is not possible to receive them once and receive them immediately in succession. You can get reviewed for other loan products about a month later. If you receive multiple loans depending on the expected loan amount and proof of income, your credit rating and rating will inevitably drop. However, if you repay without delinquency, you can recover, so you just have to repay well.

The conclusion is that if it meets your conditions and limits, it is possible to receive and use multiple emergency fund loans. If you have received two loan products from different banks and try to receive one more, it is not possible if the limit has been reached. It is not. There may be differences depending on the person. Some people said that up to 3 products were possible, but there are cases where this is no longer possible in first-tier financial institutions, but there are many reviews that have received duplicate reviews for 2 or 3 products, depending on how good your credit is. An acquaintance of mine is using three types of emergency loans: Hana Bank, K-Bank, and Suhyup.
Is it possible to duplicate emergency fund loans? If you found this article helpful, please click the heart. I hope you can use it well when you are in a hurry and repay it on time 🙂
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SC First Bank mobile small loan of 20 million won available
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Nonghyup All-One Emergency Fund Loan, which allows small loans through budget phones
Nonghyup All-One Emergency Fund Loan, which allows small loans through budget phones
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