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Vmax price comparison summary + conclusion (Coupang, Gonghom, Gmarket, Naver)
브이맥스 가격

There are many people who are looking for Kim Bo-sung model’s V-Max Ultra as a male nutritional supplement.

Vmax prices are organized by Coupang, Gmarket, Smart Store, and official website.

We also summarized what advantages there would be and whether shipping costs were included.

(This article is informational and does not receive any compensation from the company.)

A collection of V-MAX reviews A summary of V-MAX information

브이맥스 가격


1. Vmax price summary
2. Vmax Price – Coupang
3. Vmax Price – Official Website
4. Vmax Price – Smart Store
1) Seo**** Smart Store
2) Tem** Smart Store
5. Vmax Price – Gmarket
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1. Vmax price summary
It should be the latest model with Kim Bo-sung drawn on it. Even the version without Kim Bo-sung doesn’t matter.
⬇️ ⬇️
Official website (198000 won)
(4+1 event available, 1:1 customized consultation available) Naver Smart Store
(Approximately 160,000 won including shipping fee, 10,000 won reserve)

I will start by clarifying the conclusion.

When it comes to buying a VMAX, you should first think about whether you want the latest model.

If you must have a model with Bosung Kim, it would be better to purchase it from the official website.

It’s a bit expensive, but it’s the latest version and 4+1 offers are available. 1:1 customized counseling is also an advantage.

However, if the version without Kim Bo-seong’s model is okay,

If you purchase from Naver Smart Store, you can purchase it at an affordable price.



2. Vmax Price – Coupang
Coupang Vmax Price
Coupang sells Kim Bo-sung V-Max Ultra.

This is a version that does not include the Kim Bo-seong model on the outside of the product.

The price of Vmax in Coupang is 192,500 won.

It has a 4-star rating and 255 product reviews.

You can earn up to 1,925 won and free shipping.

It is about 190,000 won after deducting reserves.


3. Vmax Price – Official Website

official website vmax price
The V-Max price on the official website is 198,000 won.

Point is 0 won, and free shipping.

This product is a version in which Kim Bo-seong’s model is drawn.

It is shown as the latest version.

We are holding a 4+1 event on the official website.

There is an advantage of conducting 1:1 customized counseling.



4. Vmax Price – Smart Store

1) Seo**** Smart Store
Smart Store Vmax Price
This is the site with the most reviews when searching for Vmax on Naver Shopping.

It has a rating of 4.6 and currently has about 200 reviews.

The price is set at 156,050 won, and you can earn points up to 14,000 won.

The shipping fee is 3000 won.

Model Bo-Sung Kim does not appear on the cover.



2) Tem** Smart Store

The price of the second smart store is 158000 won.

If you apply a coupon here, you can get 156,000 won.

The shipping fee is 3000 won.

Kim Bo-seong’s model is not drawn on this product either.



5. Vmax Price – Gmarket
Gmarket Vmax price
The price of VMAX in Gmarket is 155960 won.

The number of product reviews is 13.

The shipping fee is KRW 3,000 and 2% of Smile Cash can be accumulated, so you can accumulate about KRW 3,000.

This is the price accessed by searching on Naver,

When you search Gmarket directly, different prices are formed.

This product is also a version without Boseong Kim.