베네피아 복지몰 사이트 주소 Benepia Welfare Mall Site Address

The expiration date for using the welfare points of Benepia Vacation Shop, an employee vacation support project, is approaching.

베네피아 복지몰

베네피아 복지몰

Unlike last year, this year there was a notice that points must be used by 24:00 on December 30 without an extension, and that logging in and using points would not be possible after that.

Benepia Vacation Shop.com login screen
Various ways to use points
There are probably many people who want to use their welfare points in a hurry as the expiration date approaches.

Even if it is not an accommodation or travel product, it can be used in a variety of ways, such as leisure goods, performance exhibitions, and dining out.

What should I buy other than camping supplies from the vacation shop?
How to make a reservation at Hyuga Shop Yanolja

So, do you know how to check the reservation details and cancel the reservation after making a reservation for accommodation or travel?

If it’s a normal reservation site, you can check your reservation details and cancel it on My Page.
However, Benepia Welfare Mall has a slightly different menu structure.
Cannot be checked on My Page

Benepia Welfare Mall cannot confirm or cancel reservations on My Page.

Let’s go to My Page to find out why.

My page screen

As you can see on the My Page screen, you can simply check your usage history and remaining points, but there is no menu to check reservation details in detail or cancel reservations.

We will tell you where to check your reservation details and how to cancel.
How to confirm and cancel reservations

Like accommodation or travel, you must first know the menu you have reserved.

If you have made a reservation for accommodation, check whether you made a reservation at a travel center or here, then go to the relevant menu and find the reservation confirmation or reservation history menu.

Reservation Specialist Center Reservation Confirmation Cancellation

If you made a reservation through a reservation specialist, click the reservation details button in the upper right corner.

Then, you can cancel your reservation by clicking on the reservation information along with the details of your reservation at the travel specialist center.

The same goes for other places.
How about here? Cancel reservation confirmation

Here, there is reservation information in the menu on the far right.
You can confirm and cancel your reservation here.
Yanolja reservation confirmation cancellation

Yanolja has an accommodation reservation confirmation button in the middle of the screen.

Make a reservation for Yanolja by deducting welfare points from the vacation shop.

How to make a point deduction reservation at Benepia Welfare Mall Vacation Shop Yanolja

How to use welfare points at Yanolja You can purchase accommodation, travel products, and leisure goods at the vacation shop Benepia Welfare Mall, a vacation support project for workers. Travel platforms such as Yeogi Eottae and Yanolja also partner with each other.

Hotel Pass Reservation Confirmation Cancellation

Hotel Pass has a reservation inquiry button to the right of the logo at the top.

We have provided information on how to confirm and cancel reservations at Benepia Vacation Shop Welfare Mall.

Be sure to use your welfare points before the expiration date on December 30th.