법무부 온라인민원서비스 [Law Office Hwarang] Learn about the Ministry of Justice’s online civil complaint application, including meeting reservations! | Law Office Hwarang

법무부 온라인민원서비스
hello. This is attorney Lee Ji-hoon of Hwarang Law Office.
Today, we will learn about online civil service applications, including applications for interviews, which can be made through a PC or smartphone.

✅ When using a smartphone: Run the Ministry of Justice online civil service application.
✅ When using a PC: Search for the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service in the Internet search bar, or access the link below.


General meeting reservation
1. Click on general interview reservation
2. Click on Reservation for Meeting at the bottom right
3. Identity authentication (i-PIN or mobile phone authentication is required for all complaints)
4. After selecting the authentication method, authentication is completed.
5. Consent to collection of personal information
6. Select the relevant inmate from the inmate and institution
7. Inmates can be registered and deleted in target management
8. Enter the last digits of your resident registration number (*The companion interview number is not entered when reserving the first interview.)
9. Click Next: Inquiry and fill out application form
10. After entering the relationship and address, select Next: Reservation Available Date
11. After selecting the meeting reservation date and time, click Next: Complete the meeting reservation.

*What is a companion interview number? For those who know the meeting number of an acquaintance who made a reservation for a meeting first and was assigned a meeting number,
This is a system where you register for an interview with an accompanying person after entering the information.

Video interview reservation

1. Click to reserve a video interview
2. Click on Reservation for Meeting at the bottom right
3. After selecting the authentication method, authentication is completed.
4. Consent to collection of personal information
5. Select the relevant inmate from the inmate and institution
6. Inmates can be registered and deleted in target management
7. Enter the last digits of your resident registration number
8. Next: Inquiry and fill out application form
9. After entering the relationship, institution to visit, and address, select Next: Reservation available date.
10. After selecting the meeting reservation date and time, click Next: Complete the meeting reservation.

Smart meeting reservation
This is a system that allows you to meet without a visit using an app or program on your smartphone or PC.
Only pre-registered applicants can make a reservation.

1. Check availability
2. Pre-registration of subjects
3. Reservation for meeting and installation of application (smartphone) or program (PC)
4. Interview progress

✔ How to pre-register: You can visit a nearby correctional institution, bring documents such as resident registration card and family relationship certificate, and then pre-register at the civil service office.
(Photos are immediately taken and registered at the correctional institution.)

internet correspondence
Internet correspondence can be sent to family members, acquaintances, etc. who are difficult to meet due to reasons such as living far away (overseas).
This is a civil service service where a complainant writes a letter using a PC or an app, prints it out, and delivers it to the recipient.

1. Click on Internet Correspondence
2. Click on Write an Internet Letter
3. After selecting the authentication method, authentication is completed.
4. Consent to collection of personal information
5. Fill in the recipient, title, content, etc. and click Send Internet Letter.
(Click Save to save what you are writing / Click to go directly to the save box to edit the saved content)

This is a space that protects your secrets. You can consult comfortably and with confidence.
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법무부 온라인민원서비스
