버스 분실물 찾기 Find lost items on the bus

According to statistics from Seoul Metro, the total number of lost items found in the Seoul subway is 136,117. What is the most common item? It is a wallet, and there are a whopping 33,711 of them. Oh, how embarrassing it would be if you lost your wallet… If you spent a lot of money on it, you might be worried that you won’t be able to find it… Isn’t it quite annoying? In addition to wallets, there are many items that people lose, such as cell phones, umbrellas, and bags.

버스 분실물 찾기

버스 분실물 찾기

So today, I will tell you how to find lost items on public transportation such as buses, subways, and trains.

🔷 Table of Contents
1. How to Find Lost Items on Trains

2. How to Find Lost Items on Subways

3. How to Find Lost Items on Taxi

4. How to Find Lost Items on Buses

❇️ How to Find Lost Items on Buses, Trains, Subways, and Taxi

➡️ How to Find Lost Items on Trains

👉 While on the train: Notify the crew on duty that you lost your item.

👉 Immediately after losing your item: Notify the station office at the train station that you lost your item. At this time, it is recommended to inform the train number, section, and boarding car.

👉 If you find out about the loss late (after 7 days): Check the lost item at the National Police Agency LOST112 (www.lost112.go.kr). If there is no information, contact the Railway Customer Center (1544-7788) or the Lost and Found Center at a major station.

➡️ How to find lost items on the subway

👉 Immediately after losing an item: Visit the station office of the station you got off at and inquire. If you know the time you boarded and got off the subway, you can track the current location of the subway train and find the lost item.

👉 If you find out about the loss late (within 7 days): Access the subway lost and found center website to check the status of your lost item or call the station office of the station with the lost and found center. In Seoul, there are lost and found centers at City Hall Station (Lines 1 and 2), Chungmuro ​​Station (Lines 3 and 4), Wangsimni Station (Lines 5 and 8), Taereung Entrance Station (Lines 6 and 7), and Sports Complex Station (Line 9).

👉 If you find out about a loss late (after 7 days): Check the National Police Agency LOST112 site (WWW.lost112.go.kr) for the lost item. If there is no information, contact the Lost and Found Center.

➡️ How to find lost items in taxis

👉 Immediately after loss – If you paid by card: If you check the receipt, the vehicle number, business number, and boarding and disembarking times are written on it. Based on this, corporate business owners can contact the company, and individual business owners can contact the driver through the Individual Taxi Association Customer Center.

If you don’t have a receipt, you can check the payment record with the card company.

👉 Immediately after loss – If you paid in cash: If you know the vehicle number, check the contact information on the National Taxi Association website and then contact them. If you do not know the vehicle number, you can check it through the National Police Agency Lost and Found Center after 7 days.

👉 If you find out about the loss late (after 7 days): Check the found item on the National Police Agency LOST112 website (WWW.lost112.go.kr), and if there is no information, contact the taxi company.

➡️ How to find lost items on buses

👉 Immediately after loss: Contact the local bus garage. It is recommended to provide the boarding and disembarking times, bus number, and stop used.

👉 If you find out about the loss late (after 7 days): Check the found item on the National Police Agency LOST112 website (WWW.lost112.go.kr), and if there is no information, contact the garage.

Lost and found report and lost and found search are always available at the National Police Agency’s Lost and Found Integrated Portal, and the Daebong Transportation Lost and Found Integrated Center is also always available.