버거킹 쿠폰 사용법 How to use a Burger King discount coupon, How to use a Burger King barcode It’s super easy!

버거킹 쿠폰 사용법Shall we learn how to use Burger King discount coupons and barcodes? ~~ It’s so simple, rather than posting to tell you how, you can see that I’m writing to inform people who didn’t know there was a discount coupon like this, and to let them know that they should eat it at a discount. I don’t go around, but there’s a place I visit from time to time whenever I’m feeling stuffy, and it’s Burger King, which sits pretty in front of my house. Above all, it’s so delicious haha ​​(I can hear the fattening sound haha) There’s a big Burger King in front of my house, so it’s one of the places I go to often. As a result, the skill to use gradually increased. At first, I just ordered and ate what I was craving that day, but now I know how to save a little and put it into practice. Although they save a few hundred to a few thousand won, they say that they save quite a bit of money than they thought by using them one by one now! The method I found is to use Burger King discount coupons. I lived my life without caring about those things, but now I can’t eat without a discount coupon. So today, I would like to introduce you to how to eat Burger King cheaply without paying attention. Haha (Should we share good information? Haha) Now, let’s see it together right away~!

First of all, you can visit your subscribers’ nearby or favorite stores and place an order. Before leaving, you must download the Burger King app at home.
Signing up as a member, of course, is done in a hurry, roughly, no, meticulously.

If you look at the bottom of the app, it says Home, Coupon, Order, Stamp, and Miking. Please select a coupon from them. After choosing the item you want, go to the kiosk and stand.

If you look at the front of the kiosk, skip all the many selection tabs and there is a barcode payment (or use coupon) at the bottom~~ And beep~!!! If you hold it until you hear a sound, the order is completed immediately. Really easy, right??? Haha But in some stores, there are times when barcode recognition doesn’t really make sense. Haha This is especially the case at the stores I often go to haha ​​So at first I thought “Uh~~? Why isn’t the coupon recognised??”

Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t recognize it, please enter the barcode number haha

There were times when I just paid for it, but you guys should never do that. It’s a bit long, but it’s still money.

So definitely~~!!! We recommend using coupons!

To be honest, there is no such thing as a way to save money, but I just wanted to let you know. I would like to be able to come to an end. For your information, once you use the app, the item disappears for a month, so if you want to eat the same burger, we recommend that you try it next month at a lower price. Heh All of Burger King’s burgers are delicious anyway, so I think it would be nice to try a different taste every time using the remaining coupons. Cheaper, of course. When I come to post like this, I like to do it at various coffee shops. At home, I have trouble concentrating, and even if I get a little sleepy, I tend to lie down on the sofa or bed. If you look at YouTube little by little, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced that the sun goes down day after day while doing other things. Heh, I strongly recommend that you always eat with a discounted coupon whenever you want to eat a delicious Burger King! I recommend it. Well, I’ll end today’s non-trivial post here. If there is anyone who has read this long article, thank you very, very much. I hope today and tomorrow will be filled with only happy things~^^

버거킹 쿠폰 사용법
