미소금융 창업대출 IBK Microcredit Foundation

미소금융 창업대출You can check your personal credit score directly (free) through the Internet website of each credit information company, or by visiting the nearest Microfinance Foundation in person and requesting an inquiry.
※ Domestic credit information company internet website and information phone number
※ You can also access the credit information company through the website of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
Microfinance loans are aimed at people who are eligible for basic benefits under the National Basic Livelihood Security Act, are in the next lowest class or lower, or have a credit score in the bottom 20/100.
However, loan eligibility is strictly limited to prevent moral hazard of borrowers. First of all, those who have public information such as delinquency, bankruptcy, or financial disorder registered on the Korea Credit Information Service’s credit information network cannot receive a loan, and legal procedures such as (a) seizure, provisional registration, provisional disposition, and auction are in progress on their property. Those who are considered low-income or low-credit according to social norms, or those who are judged not to fit the purpose of microfinance loans, cannot receive a loan.
For detailed qualification requirements, please refer to the menu at the top, “Microfinance Project Guide – Support Eligibility.” Even if you meet the basic qualifications, the final loan decision is made through a screening process on the adequacy of the business plan and the borrower’s repayment ability.
Having an existing loan does not necessarily mean that a microfinance loan is impossible. However, when checking basic qualification requirements, if debt is excessive compared to assets, microfinance loans may be restricted.
Additionally, if you have other microfinance loans or loans from financial institutions as of the application date, these will be deducted from the microfinance loan limit for the same person and the limit for each loan item.
* The maximum limit for each loan type can be checked through ‘Microfinance Business Guide – Loan Types’. During the screening process, the repayment period and monthly repayment amount of the existing loan are taken into consideration when deciding whether to lend.
We do not provide start-up, operation, or facility improvement funds to those who start or operate “industries excluded from policy funds for small business owners” as announced by the relevant ministries in accordance with the “Act on the Protection and Support of Small Business Owners.”
When applying for start-up funds, self-employed operating funds, and facility improvement funds, you must complete the consulting program of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency. You can apply at the consultation desk.
However, in the case of applications for operation/facility improvement funds, the consulting process may be omitted if the application amount is 12 million won or less. There are no costs that the applicant must bear when applying for consulting.

미소금융 창업대출
