모기 잡는 법 10 effective ways to catch mosquitoes


Many people find it difficult to sleep because of the buzzing mosquitoes at night. They buzz in your ears when you sleep, suck blood and make them itchy. How can I catch mosquitoes? Here are 10 effective ways to catch mosquitoes.

Here are 10 ways to catch mosquitoes. How to catch mosquitoes and different ways to get rid of mosquitoes. I hope you will be free from mosquitoes this summer with the 10 ways below.

Mosquitoes are attracted to light. Keep a flashlight and smartphone in one place in a dark room. Also, since mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, it’s a good idea to breathe heavily toward the light. Mosquitoes are attracted and sent with electric mosquito nets.

Oils made from candles or essential oils are very effective because they have an odor that mosquitoes do not like. Lemon, lavender, and rosemary can repel mosquitoes while bringing a fresh scent to your home.

How to catch mosquitoes The third is planting killing plants. Mosquitoes hate the smell of basil and mint. Planting these pots can repel mosquitoes. Plants need sunlight, so placing them near a window is effective at keeping out mosquitoes.

The first thing to do to get rid of mosquitoes is to remove standing water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in ponds, swamps and septic tanks. All kinds of stagnant water attracts mosquitoes, so you should remove all stagnant water from the house. If you have pets, you should change their bowls often as well.

Burning coffee grounds is one of the ways to kill mosquitoes. Smoke from burning coffee grounds repelles mosquitoes. Of course, you have to be careful with fire.

You can repel mosquitoes simply by putting a sliced ​​lemon and cloves (lilac) together. It’s a scent that mosquitoes don’t like, and it’s a great way to try it in a small space.

Camphor is a crystal made by cooling camphor oil obtained by cutting the branches and leaves of a camphor tree and steam distilling it. This is one of the most effective mosquito killers and repellents. You can leave a few pieces of camphor in a container and let it evaporate on its own, with all doors and windows closed, or you can burn it yourself. It is also sold in the form of camphor essential oil.

How to Catch Mosquitoes Next is the Mosquito Jail. Let’s make a mosquito trap that is more powerful than insecticide.

Sugar and yeast (yeast) are mixed and the carbon dioxide generated attracts mosquitoes.

The last way to catch mosquitoes is to grow carnivorous plants. It’s an extreme but effective method. Carnivorous plants eat mosquitoes because they get the nutrients they need to grow from insects.

Learn about 10 ways to catch mosquitoes. I hope you will be free from mosquitoes this summer with the above methods.


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