리볼빙 신용등급 Partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) inquiry/change/cancellation>Partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving)>Finance | KB Kookmin Card

리볼빙 신용등급Short-term card loan (cash service)/installment usage and various fees, etc.
Before using the partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving), you must read the contents of this guide and use the credit card individual member card.
Please read the standard terms and conditions and ask a staff member if you do not understand anything or have any questions.
The amount a member must pay in the current month is the contracted payment amount (KRW 506,986), but if only the minimum payment amount (KRW 186,986) is paid, the payment will not be processed as overdue, and the remaining payment amount (KRW 320,000) will automatically be carried over to the next month and become a partial payment amount. Carryover contract (revolving) interest is charged.
(The larger amount between the minimum billing principal of partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) and KRW 50,000) + partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) interest + amount not subject to partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving)
80,000 won + 6,986 won + 100,000 won = 186,986 won
(Agreement billing principal for partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving)) + Partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) interest + Amount not subject to partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving)
400,000 won + 6,986 won + 100,000 won = 506,986 won
(Balance of partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) from previous month + New usage amount from current month partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving)) × Minimum payment ratio
(500,000 won + 300,000 won) × 10% = 80,000 won
Previous month’s partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) carryover balance × partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) interest rate
500,000 won × 17% × 30 days/365 = 6,986 won
Reviewed by compliance officer No. 230405-01131-OMF (23.04.05)
This is a system that allows members using the partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) to present supporting information and request an interest rate change if there is a significant change in their credit status.
Registered member with partial payment amount carryover agreement (revolving) (cannot apply in case of delinquency or transaction suspension)
You can apply for an interest rate reduction if one of the following reasons applies:
What if your credit status has improved? Exercise your right to demand an interest rate reduction
Financial consumers who have entered into a loan contract with a credit finance company may request an interest rate reduction based on Article 50-13 of the Credit Finance Business Act if their credit status improves (improvement in financial status, increase in credit rating, etc.).

You will automatically log in to Life Shop using your KB Kookmin Card login information.

리볼빙 신용등급
