동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

Today, we will learn how to look up a pet registration number. Although it is our precious little one, it is normal for us not to remember long numbers like registration numbers unless we write them down somewhere. However, if you live with a pet, there will be times when you need to know this registration number. If you read today’s article, you will be able to easily look up this number. Let’s look up a pet registration number below.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

<Table of Contents>
What is pet registration?
How to look up a pet registration number
Pet address change
What is pet registration?
Pet registration number lookup 3
The pet registration system is a policy that registers information about pets and their owners with administrative agencies to quickly find lost pets and prevent animal abandonment by increasing the sense of responsibility of animal owners. Simply put, it is the birth registration of our puppies, and it has been legally mandatory since September 2019.

Starting from September 2019, a fine can be imposed if failure to register animals and report changes to information is detected. Unregistered animals are subject to a fine of 200,000 won for the first time, 400,000 won for the second time, and 600,000 won for the third time. Failure to report changes to information is subject to a fine of 100,000 won for the first time, 200,000 won for the second time, and 400,000 won for the third time. Please register in advance to avoid the unfortunate event of being fined.

There are two methods for registering animals: ① Inserting an internal wireless identification device / ② Attaching an external wireless identification device. The microchip (RFID, wireless electronic entity identification device) used for animal registration is a rice-sized animal medical device coded with a material that does not react to foreign substances in the body. Only products that meet animal medical device standards and international standards are used.

How to check pet registration number

Go to the Animal Protection Management System homepage.
Sign up and log in.
Go to My Page > Edit Member Information > Check Animal Registration Information.
Check the registered animal information. If modifications are necessary, modify them.
If you want to print the registration certificate, press the print button to print it. 1. Access the Animal Protection Management System homepage.

Pet registration number search 4
2. Sign up and log in.

Pet registration number search 7
3. Access My Page > Edit member information > Check animal registration information.

Pet registration number search 7 1
4. Check registered animal information. If you need to make a change, click on the animal registration number and make the change.

Pet registration number search 5
5. If you want to print the registration certificate, click the print button to print it.

Pet registration number search 6

Change pet address
Pet registration number search 1
You can check the pet’s detailed information by clicking on the animal registration number in the registered animal information. Only simple tasks can be changed. You can only report online when you have a guardian number, change of address, lost a puppy, or when a puppy crosses the rainbow bridge. If you have lost a puppy chip or have changed information such as your name, phone number, or address, you can visit your local city, county, or district office to make changes.

Only the [owner] can check and report changes to animal registration information. (Family members and others cannot report.) Owners who wish to check and report should register as members, enter their [Resident Registration Number] in the member information menu, authenticate themselves, and use the [Change Registered Animal Information/Print Registration Certificate] menu.

Starting from 23.2.23, animal owners can also check their animal registration certificates in the government 24 (mobile app) e-wallet, an integrated administrative service system. Check your animal registration certificate in the government 24 e-wallet (can also be checked in e-wallet apps such as Kakao and Naver).

Anyone reading this article will have already registered their pet information. If you lose your pet, you can easily find the owner through the animal registration information on the Animal Protection Management System (www.animal.go.kr). It is said that the number of companion animals in our country has exceeded 15 million. Accordingly, there will be many abandoned dogs, and I think this is a well-introduced system to prevent such unfortunate incidents.