도로교통사고 감정사 View qualification information details – How to apply for the road traffic accident appraiser exam

도로교통사고 감정사Application method: Internet application Internet address: www.rota.or.kr/license (Road Traffic Accident Appraiser website)
※ Test application is available 24 hours a day, and the last day of application (June 23, 2010) closes at 18:00.
※ If unavoidable reasons such as computer failure occur during the test application period, the application period will be extended by the period of the failure. However, computer failures of individuals and financial institutions are not recognized. After the application deadline, a separate correction period regarding the application area will be provided through the appraiser’s website (‘10.07.13. ~’10.07.15. scheduled)

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도로교통사고 감정사
