노인스포츠지도사 자격증 2023 Senior Sports Instructor Exam Schedule, Check Past Questions

노인스포츠지도사 자격증The senior sports instructor qualification test is conducted once a year. Please refer to the schedule for the written exam and practical skills exam in 2023.
We will summarize the qualifications, exam subjects, and past questions for senior sports instructors. Please refer to this when preparing for the exam.
Anyone over the age of 18 can take the test. You must pass written, practical, and oral exams and receive training at a designated training institution. 
If one of the requirements below applies, the acquisition process will be simplified.

There are a total of 5 subjects in the written exam for senior sports instructors.
🔸You must score at least 40% of the perfect score for each subject, and you must score at least 60% of the total score for all subjects to pass.
To pass, you must score 70% or more of a perfect score on both the practical and oral exams. Those who fail the practical exam cannot take the oral exam.
There are 60 qualifying events for both winter and summer.
The Korea Sports Promotion Foundation discloses the questions and answers for each test to improve the quality of test takers and deepen sports-related studies. Written test questions and answers can be downloaded from the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation website.
We learned about the 2023 senior sports instructor exam schedule and exam subjects. The senior sports instructor certification, which teaches lifestyle sports for the elderly, is one of the certifications with a very bright outlook for the 100-year-old era. Please refer to the test schedule and test subjects and prepare well for the test.
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노인스포츠지도사 자격증
